Page 28 of Stay

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I feel a heavy hand on my shoulder and look back to see Callum, his expression more droll than annoyed, which is a nice surprise.

Grinny gasps to see him here, hugging him, while Ruby kisses my cheek and whispers, “Thank you for working your magic,” in my ear.

“We both know you’re the one who got him here,” I tell her, laughing.

She lifts a shoulder but grins like she knows I’m right. The girls cheer when she dances toward them and stops to hug Felicity first.

I’m struck again by how well Felicity already fits in around here.




“While I have you all together, I wanted to mention,” I yell over the music, “my brother said if they win the divisional round next week, you’re all invited to the game the following week…” I see the excitement in everyone’s eyes and laugh when Scarlett bumps my hip with hers.

Sutton’s eyes are bright as he smiles and lifts his glass of Coke at me. I grin, lifting my vodka lemonade his way. I have yet to see the guy drink alcohol, even on a night off at home. All that self-control makes me want to see what rules I can help him break.

He’s looked at me more tonight than he has all week. I was beginning to get weirded out by the lack of eye contact, but even at the house before we came to The Dancing Emu, it was almost like he allowed himself to take me in.

And here I go again, reading more into things. Sutton Landmark is not checking me out, and I don’t want him to anyway. That would make everything complicated and ruin this awesome arrangement.

I might not know what I’m doing with my life just yet, but I’ve been happier in Landmark Mountain with Sutton and Owen than I’ve been in a long time. The stress from my time at Georgetown lessens with each day, and even the weight hanging over my head with my parents not knowing the truth feels farther away the longer I’m here.

“Count us in,” Wyatt says.

They all start chiming in at once, thanking me and Weston. Well, except Callum, who simply nods at me, his smile all the sweeter since they seem hard-earned.

“They have to win first,” I remind everyone.

“Oh, they’ve got this,” Theo says.

“Agreed.” Jamison and Theo clink glasses.

“Dad and I are still going with you next week, right?” Owen asks. His hair is going every which way, his face shiny from dancing his little ass off. I lean down, still dancing, but so we’re eye to eye.

“Absolutely. And we’re going to have the full tailgate experience too,” I tell him.

“What’s the tailgate experience?” His eyes go wide.

“Oh, you just wait. You’re gonna love it.”

The following Sunday, we’re on our way to the game, and the excitement in the vehicle is palpable. It’s about an hour and a half to Clarity Field and we’re borrowing Callum’s truck. We left with plenty of time to make it to the tailgate party as soon as it starts. Sutton glances over at me, a smile playing on his lips.

“What?” I ask, surprised by my boldness, but something just feels different about today. Like we’re coloring outside the lines a bit.

“Nice outfit,” he says, his eyes wandering appreciatively down my ensemble.

“Gotta show support.” I lift my shoulder in nonchalance, but inside, I’m doing a fist pump and kick-ball-changing all over this truck.

I’m wearing a teal jersey, number fourteen for Weston, of course, white pants with teal and grey stripes down the side, and a teal puffer jacket with the Mustangs logo emblazoned across the back. My knees are even wrapped in teal bands to look like the players, but my tight-fitting version of the outfit is decidedly more feminine.

“I didn’t think he’d ever sleep last night,” he says. “He’s been so excited about today.”

I glance in the backseat and Owen is bopping his head to the music on his game. He looks up for a second and gives me his wide smile. It hasn’t been long since I started nannying, but I’m already so damn attached to this kid. I can’t wait for him to see all the surprises I brought.

And if anything, I’m even more intrigued by Sutton than I was in the beginning. The more I’m around him, the more I like him. And the more I like him, the hotter he gets.
