Page 94 of Stay

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“Too late,” I say.

I motion for him to go ahead of me and he gives me the bird.

“After you, I insist,” I tease.

“Good God, we’ll be here all night,” Jamison says, laughing. “Beer’s on me.” He motions for Scarlett to go down the hill with him, and they take off.

Everyone else falls into place and somewhere between the lift with Felicity and skiing down the mountain with her, I shed the heaviness I’ve been living through for the past few days and feel like everything’s going to be all right.




We end up at The Pink Ski after we’re done skiing. All that exercise worked up an appetite. Grinny meets us there, all smiles. And then Owen walks up to the table with Marlow and Dakota and wraps his arms around me, hugging me so tight.

He doesn’t say anything, just hugs me, and it makes me so emotional, I barely hold back the tears.

When he finally pulls away, he looks at me and says, “I’m so glad you came back.”

I put my hand on his cheek and lean in close. “Ace, even when the time comes that you don’t need me to be your nanny, I’ll still be your friend. I will always be cheering you on and loving you and wanting the very best for you. Okay?”

“Okay,” he says, his lower lip trembling. “But I’ll still need you to be my nanny for a long time, right, Dad?” He glances over at Sutton. “We need Felicity.”

Sutton’s eyes meet mine, and the intensity in them makes my lungs stall. “We do,” he says.

I squeeze Owen’s shoulder and smile through my blurry eyes. “Okay then. It’s settled.”

That seems to put Owen’s mind at ease. He goes to his seat and says hi to everyone else. Half the table is talking to the owner of the restaurant, and when she gets around to us, her smile is warm and friendly.

“I’m Sally. If you’re hanging out with this crew, you must be good people,” she says.

“I can attest to that,” Grinny pipes up.

“Hi, Sally. I’ve heard great things about you and this place. I’ve been excited to try your food.” I glance at the menu and then back at her. “I haven’t even looked at the menu yet, I’m sorry. Any suggestions?”

“We have a lemon chicken orzo soup today, and it’s a hit,” she says.

“Sold, yes, please.”

She laughs. “That was easy. Our drink of the day is a Campfire Mule—our take on a Moscow Mule, but instead of vodka, we’re using whiskey with the ginger beer, and a touch of maple syrup.”

“I’ll try it.”

She winks at Sutton. “Well, she’s a keeper. Are you gonna be that easy, handsome?”

“You know me, Sally.” Sutton gives her his megawatt smile, and I see her practically melt at his feet. “I am not an easy man.”

“And isn’t it a shame,” she says, fanning her face and sighing.

The table laughs, Sutton included.

After everyone’s ordered and we’ve chatted about how great the skiing was today, the drinks come, and Scarlett lightly taps on her glass with her spoon.

“I have an announcement,” she says.

The volume at the table ceases immediately, and we all turn to Scarlett in anticipation. She told me I’m the only one who knows, and I can tell by the wide eyes and giddy glances between everyone that they think they know what she’s about to say. I giggle to myself and cover my mouth with my hand when Sutton glances at me.
