Page 70 of Silver Fox's Baby

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But that’s because I could lose my job.

“How’s your evening?” I ask the two of them, swooping up another glass of champagne as it passes.

Melody and Fran grab a glass as well, and the three of us create a small circle.

“It’s been good,” Melody answers me, her cheeks still flushed. “We were late, but I don’t think being on time matters for these events.”

“It doesn’t,” Fran reassures her. “Besides, while we’re putting it on, it’s mostly for all the researchers to get together and talk. No one actually cares about our attendance.” The blonde laughs, but then her eyes drift away from us. “Oh, that’s Will. I’ll, um, I’ll see you in a bit, Mel. Nice to officially meet you, Dr. Banks.” She slips away, leaving me standing with Melody.

And that leaves me feeling exposed.

When I was there with her friend, too, there was a safe aspect to it. Now we’re alone to some degree.

“I won’t be able to stay with you the entire night.” I adjust my stance so that I can keep an eye on Dr. Lewis.

The crowd has thickened, and I’m not sure if anyone will be paying attention at all, but still, we can’t be too cautious.

“Yeah, I kind of figured you wouldn’t be able to hang out with me.” Her voice is low, and her smile, while there on her face, it doesn’t reach her eyes. “It’s okay.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to.” God, how I want to. I wish I could touch her. Instead, I sip more champagne. “You lookstunning, and I want nothing more than to tote you around on my arm. I’d show you off to everyone.” I keep my tone in a near whisper, intimate and secretive.

Melody eyes sparkle in response. “Thanks, that makes me feel a little better.”

“Good.” I chuckle, running my tongue along my bottom lip. “What’re you doing after this?” I blurt out before I can stop myself.

“Um... I’m just going home to Dorian. The norm, you know. He’s mad he’s stuck with the neighbor babysitting him, but he’ll be okay. More than likely, he’ll be asleep by the time I get home.”

“Connor is with his mother tonight...” My voice trails off. I know what I want to ask, but I’m not sure it’d be appropriate.

“Oh? Well...” Her cheeks are nearly the shade of her lips. “I don’t know. Fran has to stay for the entire gala, so I won’t be home until really late.”

“Or... We could skip out early,” I suggest, knowing that I’m only required to be here for another forty-five minutes. “You could tell Fran you’re not feeling well.”

“You’re beingverydevious, Dr. Banks,” she whispers, giving me a sly, seductive smile. “And I like it.”

“Yeah? I do, too.” I burst into laughter, feeling like I’m sixteen again, sneaking around so I don’t get caught.

I never partook in much of that when I was in high school, and once I started dating Madeline, there was nothing to hide. Everyone wanted us to be together.

“How about you meet me at the car in forty-five minutes?” I suggest, lowering my voice. “I’ll have you home before the gala would’ve ended.”

“I’ll have to make sure it’s okay with Fran.” She sighs. “As much as I’dliketo, I don’t want to leave her hanging if she wants me to stay.”

“I can understand that.” I nod. “Why don’t you go talk to her, and then you can let me know. Either way, I’m leaving then.”

She nods. “I don’t blame you. I take it you’re not much for this sort of thing?”

I shrug. “Not when there’s a beautiful woman in a dress that I think would look better on the floor.”

Melody lets out a giggle, her eyes darting away from mine. “That’sveryforward of you.”

“Well, I don’t like to beat around the bush.” I glance back over to where Dr. Lewis is, and then let out a heavy breath. “I do probably need to make a few rounds and speak with the faculty. As much as I’d rather stay here with you, Mel, it’s not a good idea.”

She looks up at me, her eyes flashing with disappointment. “I know. I’m surprised you’re even talking to me. I didn’t know if you’d even be able to do that.”

“Of course, I cantalkto you.” I chuckle, shaking my head. “You’re my TA. There’s nothing wrong with that. I just can’t spend the entire night with you, but then again, it looks like you’re in good company.” I notice Fran and a young man heading in our direction, and I use it as my sign to go. “Let me know.”

She nods, and with that, I mosey away from the group.
