Page 112 of Heir of Corruption

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The blade slides out, and he falls to the floor, with Rei standing behind him.

I move, taking shots at the other two men who are still in the room. One falls, then the other dives through a window, disappearing from view.

“Must I chase him?” Rei runs to the window. “I don’t know which direction he went.”

“Let’s get Kalo out of here.” I run to where my friend is hanging, suspended by his wrists, semi-unconscious, his face swollen and distorted from the beatings he has received.

He looks up at me as I pull him down.

“Ant - you - took your - time,” he chokes. With a twisted grin on his face, his lips were too swollen to smile.

“Better late than never?” I laugh, pulling this arm over my shoulder as he winces. His ribs making cracking sounds against my body.

“Go, I'll cover you,” Rei says.

I head toward the stairs, eager to get out of here as quickly as possible.

Behind me, I hear gunfire again. Shit.

I move down the stairs as quickly as I can.

As I step out of the door, two more shots fire. This time, I feel the impact. I have no choice but to drop Kalo. I spin around and fire at the men standing behind me. Rei arrives at the top of the stairs and fires as well.

Everything falls silent. “There were so many,” Rei says, breathless and worried.

I turn to Kalo, blood coming from his mouth. “Kalo,” I shout, pulling him onto my lap as I sit on the stairs.

“Get - out of - here, Ant,” he says, gasping for air.

I push my hand against his chest, where the bullet punctured his lung.

He gasps, the gurgling sounds grow louder. He is drowning in his own blood.

Then his body goes limp, and his eyes glaze over.

Rei pulls at my shoulder. “We have to go. More are coming.” She pushes me hard.

I stand up, letting Kalo slip from my arms, my body in shock.

“Move,” she screams in my ear.

I run toward the car, diving in. She dives into the passenger side, and I slam my foot against the accelerator.

“Turn here.” She points, I turn. “My car is here.”

I park, understanding that my friend is gone.

“You did everything you could,” she whispers.

I nod.

“The bullet went through his back, into yours. You need to see a doctor.”

“I can’t even feel it,” I mumble.

“I’m sorry, Antonio,” she says, climbing out of the car and walking away.

When I walk into the penthouse, I'mstill in shock.
