Page 133 of Heir of Corruption

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I gesture for him to take a seat at the table.

He sits down and rests his hands on the table in front of himself. His back is up straight, and his old eyes are bright and alert.

I sit opposite him and pour us each a glass of water.

“I know you have traveled far to come to this meeting, and I want to start off by saying thank you for doing that. I also know that even with our agreement in place, there is always a risk involved in this kind of process, but I want to assure you I have been very clear with everyone here in New York that you are here as my guest, and should be treated as such.”

“Of course, I will travel far because this is an important matter. You know, evenwithoutbusiness and financial benefits involved in our discussion today, I believe that this meeting is longoverdue between our two families. I applaud the fact that you have done this. A new generation of leaders, with a new vision for the future.”

“We spoke about Kalo, my associate, on the phone,”

“My associates in Hong Kong will not be seeking retribution or revenge for the death of that young man. From what you have told me, you have already sorted out that issue, and Kalo’s murderer came to face the consequences he deserved. There will be no further action from our side.”

“Thank you, Mr. Hanoi. Then I guess the only thing left to do is to figure out how to present a good business deal to our families that ensures benefits for both sides to end this war.”

We discuss different options and what each of us is able to offer. I go through the shipping routes, the products we have available, and how we can move production across to save costs, and not have to worry about transport risks. I go through each of the options my family has pieced together on my behalf and then add my own ideas to it. Muchen has come just as prepared as I am, and after an hour, we have a very secure, very attractive deal on the table, which we are both happy with.

And from what we have both shared today, in an open and diplomatic way, we can both see that this is only the beginning. There are so many more avenues of growth and symbiosis to explore in terms of business.

Though, one thing was obvious in all our conversations. And it had nothing to do with financial benefits or company growth. It was much more simple than that - we both love Seraphina very much and on a personal level, in our private thoughts, we are both here today because of her.

She is the driving force between the wager of peace between two families that have been fighting for over a century.

People go to war for love, but today, we want to end a war for love.

Muchen sighs, looking satisfied with our meeting.

He pushes himself up from his seat, standing and admiring the view from the window.

“It’s a beautiful city. I can see why my granddaughter wants to stay here. You know, ever since she was a little girl, she has spoken of New York. Not always, but from what I understand now, things for her have changed.” He eyes me, waiting to see how I'llreply.

“Seraphina has resolved and come to terms with a lot from her past. I understand she told you about her father still being alive?”

“She did, yes, and it broke my heart to tell her I knew about it. I didn't intend to hurt her by keeping the information from her. I do hope she understands that?”

“Mr. Hanoi, how long are you here for?” I ask.

“I didn't set a date for my return flight yet, I wasn't sure how long negotiations would take, but, there are so many positives to our families working together that It's already a sealed deal, but, apart from that, I was hoping to see Seraphina. Do you think she would be interested in joining me for dinner, perhaps tomorrow night?”

“Seraphina is an impressive young woman, and she has strength in her that even surprises me. I'm sure she would meet with you. I’ll ask her tonight, and she can contact you with her response.”

“Then perhaps you can also recommend a restaurant for me to take her to? I want to experience and try New York cuisine.” he grins at me, his eyes lighting up.

“I know just the place. Let me make a reservation for you." I smile.

After saying goodbye and confirming that we will be in touch soon, I head back to the hotel.

I'm feeling very positive about how everything went. In fact, with the option on the table for us, the future profits of my business are looking to increase.

I walk into the penthouse, and Seraphina rushes to me, wrapping her arms around me.

“How did it go? I missed you,” she gushes.

I lift her into my arms, kissing her and enjoying the warmth of her greeting.

“It was very good. Things are going well. Tomorrow morning, I'm meeting with my family to tell them everything, and I know there is no way that they can argue against what I have to show them. Your grandfather is a very dignified and impressive man, Seraphina.”

“Ah gung has always been the source of strength and inspiration in my life. I admire him and love him.”
