Page 135 of Heir of Corruption

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“In every beautiful way possible.”

The waiter arrives to lead us toward our table, and although my heart is beating fast, seeing him again feels good.

We sit and place our orders based on what Antonio has recommended that we try.

Then, sipping my martini, I watch ah gung with soft eyes and an open heart.

“Seraphina, I wanted to call you so many times, but it is not a simple conversation to have over the phone.”

“I know Gung Gung, I felt the same.”

“I always know that your father was still alive and living here in New York. I knew what happened and why it happened. I just couldn’t tell you for fear that you would go looking for him and the same thing would happen to you. Your father also made me promise not to tell you. He thought it was best if he remained out of your life in every way possible.”

“I understand why he felt that, but he was wrong. And, ah gung, you were wrong, too. Someone should have told me. I could have handled it then, as I have handled it now.”

“You are much older now, much wiser, and the circumstances in which you find out these kinds of things shape the way you react. I know you think you would have handled it well, but how would it have changed your life?”

I sit for a moment, considering his words.

“I guess everything that happened the way it was supposed to happen at the right time.”

“And that is why life is so beautiful.”

“Can you tell me what else you know about what happened?” I ask.

“The people who threatened your father and made him do what he had to do to keep you safe - those people were old rivals of Antonio’s family. They were against anyone from Hong Kong, as was all of New York, and the families that run the city. They would have killed both you and your mother. Your father acted, even though it destroyed him as a person. He acted with your mother’s consent. She-”

He pauses for a moment, taking his time to pull his thoughts together. I wait.

“Your mother, she called me the day before it all happened. I didn’t understand, but she was saying goodbye. She said the most beautiful things to me, and I to her, and I'm so grateful to have had that call with her. You know, I also went through years of anger. The rage and hatred inside me caused me to make some bad choices, wanting revenge as well, but then, because I had you in my life, I started focusing on you. You saved me from my anger, Seraphina.”

We dive into deep conversations about my mother, my father, and all the events that unfolded. I lay all my questions on the table, and Ah Gung responds with honesty and openness. With nothing left to hide, our discussion helps us clear the air, bringing us closer than ever before.

“What do you have planned, Seraphina? What happens from here on out?”

“I'm going to stay in New York. Antonio has asked me to move in with him on the property he inherited from his father’s estate. I have not been there yet, but I understand it is something quite spectacular. Either way, it could be a cottage in the forest, and I would want to live with him. He makes my heart happy. He makes me feel alive, loved, and whole. So, I'm going to make a life here in New York for myself.”

“But you will visit me often?”

“Of course,” I laugh.

“I must say, I have quite enjoyed my visit to New York, but I'm too old for this traveling now. I enjoy running my business from the comfort of home. I don’t know if Antonio told you, but the future of business between our families is looking very impressive.”

“He told me a little, and he sounds as excited as you do about it.”

“That is good to know.”



Idrop a setof keys into Seraphina’s hand and close her fingers around them. I grin down at her smiling face as we stand on the massive curved step that lead up to the front doors.

“Welcome home, little bird.” I smile. I'm so excited to be bringing her here for the first time. It feels like the start of something big. A new season in my life and a new beginning.

“Are you ready to look around?”

She nods and wiggles her hips. I gesture toward the front door, and she steps up to it with her keys in hand and slips the key into the lock.
