Page 140 of Heir of Corruption

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“Yes, we are looking at each taking over a section of production for the other to allow us to reduce shipment costs.”

He sips his tea, eyeing me. “But enough about business. How are you doing, my granddaughter? You are looking healthy and happy, which makes me thrilled to see.”

“Gung Gung, I would struggle to express in words just how happy I am. You know, I was worried that his family would not accept me, but they have been wonderful to me. There is no tension or awkwardness. Everyone has welcomed me. They treat me like family. I could not ask for anything better.”

I grin. “But the question I want to know is, did you bring it? Did everything go well?”

“Of course, I brought it. As part of my wedding gift to you, I also brought the most famous designer in Hong Kong, Khimmy Leniva, to have it tailored to fit you. They are coming to your home this afternoon to see you.” He glances at his watch. “Soon, I suggest we finish up here. We can’t have you missing such an important appointment.”

After breakfast, I rush home, feeling so excited that I can hold it in.

I arrive there at the same time as the designer, who is carrying a black garment bag slung over his arm.

“Mr. Leniva, thank you for bringing it safely.” I smile.

“Please, just call me Khimmy. Seraphina, oh, what a lovely surprise. I thought there were going to a be a lot of adjustments, but seeing you in person, I can tell you that you are almost exactly the same size as she was. This dress is going to need such minor adjustments.”

He follows me inside and into one of the back rooms, where Antonio has no chance of accidentally walking in on us and spoiling his first sight of me in the wedding dress.

He hangs the garment bag on the closet door and unzips it, pulling it aside to reveal my mother’s wedding dress.

My heart leaps in my chest. It is so much more beautiful than the pictures, and with some small changes, it will be modernized and taken in fitting me perfectly.

I stand on a small box as Khimmy works around me, pinning, clipping, and mumbling about what he plans to do. I just stand there, smiling at my reflection in the long mirror that has been placed in front of me. I think about my mother, and how she felt wearing this same dress, and the nervous excitement she would have experienced on her wedding day. I run my fingersover the soft lace and white silken fabric. The dress looks like a mix between elegant Japanese culture and lacy bohemian styles. It has a clean, close-fitting shape that flares out over my hips. The sleeves are long, white lace that hints at my skin beneath. The front of the dress will be adjusted for me to have a v-shaped neckline, and the back already dips low, to reveal a hint of my caramel skin.

Antonio is going to love it.

And I can't wait to see his face when I walk down the aisle.

Khimmy holds up a large white box. “I have brought the veil as well. Did you want a veil?”

“Oh, yes, definitely.”

He lifts the lid and stands behind me to clip the sheer fabric of my hair. He drapes it over my face and, seeing myself in the mirror, I get a fright, as I could be looking at a photograph of my mother.

“You are right. The veil is perfect.”

My Gung Gung loops my hand over his arm as we stand at the entrance to the church, about to walk down the aisle.

He has been my father figure, and while my father is here at the wedding, I had my Gung Gung walk me down the aisle and give me away. But the father-daughter dance will be with my realfather. They both mean so much to me, and I wanted them both to play an important role on this special day.

“You look perfect, Seraphina.” My Gung Gung smiles at me as we take our first step onto the carpet, leading toward where my future husband is waiting, just through those doors.

The music plays, and the veil floats around my face.

We walk into the church, and Antonio’s face lights up with shock. I see his eyes grow wide, and his mouth drops open as I walk toward him, beaming with pride.

That beautiful man is going to be my husband.

My father stands at the end of the aisle opposite Antonio.

When I reach them, my Gung Gung nods his head in respect and steps away. My father turns toward me, grinning, and gently lifts the veil off my face. He kisses my cheeks and then nods, stepping away as well.

Then I turn to face Antonio, whose eyes are locked onto me as though nothing else in the world exists.

The preacher talks, and Antonio mouths the words'my angel.

In front of our families, we promise our love to each other. We promise our lives, our trust, and our honesty. We promise tobe there for each other through everything, we exchange rings, symbolizing all our words.
