Page 36 of Heir of Corruption

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“That is what I wanted to hear. I will be busy when I'm there. But I will make time to spend with you. We will have an amazing trip together.”

Him being busy works out great for me. It means I can do my thing without him breathing down my neck all the time. He's just a piece of a puzzle in my plan for revenge.

Every time the image of my mom, abandoned and lifeless, flashes through my mind, a surge of hatred wells up within me. He might not be responsible for her death, but there's no doubt in my mind—his family played a part.

He makes my skin burn when he touches me or if his lips fill me with desire when they brush across mine. It's overshadowed by a relentless, blinding rage. I may misdirect my sorrow and my need for vengeance may blind me, but one thing is crystal clear: someone must pay!

“That's settled, then. I will make all the arrangements and send you a message with the details once it's booked. You will fly with me to New York.”

His leg moves against mine, pushing his knee between my thighs. I know what he wants from me. It's pretty clear what he's after. I'm trying to keep things slow for now, but if push comes to shove, if I really have to go there to keep his interest—well, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

The waitress drops off our lunch, and Antonio scoots back a bit, pulling his leg away from mine. Suddenly, there's this chilly gap where we were just touching, and I catch myself missing how his skin feels like against mine.



Istand at thedesk in my office at home; the phone pressed against my ear and my laptop was open in front of me.

“Yes, you can make those arrangements. No, I don’t know how long I will go for. Inform the pilot and book the hotel. Penthouse. Yes.” I nod as my assistant takes notes. “I have one guest joining me on the flight. No, you do not need to book an additional hotel room. Good. Confirm once it is done.”

I place the phone down on my desk and stare at the email. They have confirmed the date to read the will. I'm expected to go there and claim my position as the heir to my father’s estate, his company, his position. I know I'm not the only one who has received this news, and it is most certainly causing a stir in NewYork. The idea of my taking over will provoke the anger of a multitude of individuals. It is going to be a dangerous trip.

I close my laptop. Stupidly, I have invited Seraphina to join me.

I'm putting her at risk by taking her with me. Just being close to me during this time can cause so many issues.

I'm going to keep her under the radar while I'm there. I don't want them seeing her and thinking they can leverage her against me. I've also got to be slick about keeping my real identity from her. Given her mom's death linked to my family, she'd probably hate me if she found out what I'm hiding. I'm just getting to know her and don't want to scare her off. Can't let that happen.

She has this pureness about her, angelic and sweet, and I don’t think she will accept me if she knows everything there is to know about me. I can't taint her perspective of me with that truth. My darkness. I will keep it hidden from her.

I sigh.I will make it work.

I want to travel with her. Having her spend that much time with me, I will win her over.

I need to clear my head.

I walk out of my office toward the atrium. My grand piano is in the center of the room. I slide onto the seat, running my hands across the ivory keys. I close my eyes and play. The melody slipsbetween my thoughts and eases my mind. My face relaxes. I feel the tension ease from my shoulders. My fingers move expertly across the keys as though I were caressing a lover’s body. I imagine my hands running over Seraphina’s stomach, trailing over her hips.

When we are in New York, I will have her all to myself. She can't withhold what I so desperately want from her.

I feared her reaction upon learning about my oversight.

I tell myself this is the reason we will share a room, but I know better.

I skip a key, and the tune falters. I slam my fingers against the piano, and an ugly rush of sounds erupts from it.


I should never have invited her.

I'm being selfish.I don’t want to feel that way. I have put her in a horrible position by asking her to come with me.

I push myself away from the piano. Playing is not helping me now, as it did.

I walk back to my office to attend to the admin I need to finish, feeling frustrated and annoyed because I want what I want but don’t have it yet.

In the evening, after I finish my work for the day, I sit out on the balcony of my mansion. The air is crisp and bites at my skin, but I like it. Anything to distract me from feeling guilt for inviting Seraphina.
