Page 72 of Heir of Corruption

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I don’t want to hide things from Antonio. It never served me well, keeping secrets in my friendship with Maddy, my relationship with my grandfather - and my relationship with Antonio.

Secrets have built walls around me my entire life, and I have never felt comfortable enough to let someone get too close to me for fear that they would see who I am.

The dark, angry energy that I carry around everywhere with me.

I never wanted people to see how damaged I actually was because of my parent’s murders.

“Little bird, you have gone quiet again.”

I sigh softly. “I am sorry.”

“Talk to me. Whatever you are thinking, I am here to listen. I am here to help you.”

I stare into his eyes, and I believe him. I believe he means that.

I open my mouth to speak, and the waiter arrives with our dinner.

I lean back and say a polite thank you.

When we are alone again, Antonio picks up the white cotton napkin and drapes it over my lap, letting his hand drift against my leg.

My stomach is in such a knot I know I can’t eat until I tell him.



“I want to kill my father.”



It has been twodays since Seraphina told me she wants to kill her father.

At the restaurant, when she first said the words, I took her hand in mine and reassured her it was natural for her to want that. I told her to think about her choice for a few days, and if she still felt this way, then we should talk again about it.

Killing her father is not in my favor at all. Quite the opposite, in fact.

He has Italian mafia ties, ties to my family. Ties to the mafia that I'mabout to inherit.

It would look bad if people discovered I was involved in this man’s death.

No, it's not a personal thing. I don’t give a shit about him. If Seraphina wants him dead, then I would want that for her, but it's inconvenient. Especially right now, just before reading the will.

I want to give her the world. I want to give her everything her heart desires. But this is going to cause problems.

Kalo paces up and down his hotel room. I stretch my arm across the back of the sofa behind me.

“I don’t know, Antonio. This girl is not worth it. She is not worth the drama.”

""I've warned you, Kalo, not to speak ill of her," I snap, irked by his comment. Should I even be discussing this with him? He's my right-hand man, my closest friend—the one who's always got my back.

“Does Seraphina even know why you are actually in New York?”

“She knows my father passed away.”

“Does she know you are here to accept your position as heir to the New York throne?”
