Page 89 of Heir of Corruption

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Gross. “Night rate, please.”

The clerk looks up at me, confused. “You want to stay over?”

“Yes, can you please hurry?”

“Sure, yes. Here is your room key. I’d be extra careful to make sure the door was locked at night. We don’t have room service or anything, but I guess if you need something, just come down and talk to me or the other guy who will be on duty.”


After checking in, where they don’t even ask my name or for any of my information, which is perfectly fine with me, I climb the stairs to my room.

It’s dark and smells damp. I pull open the curtains and push the windows wide open. Daylight streams in, and the cool breeze carries away the stuffy smell.

At least the bedding smells clean, and the little bathroom off the side of the room smells like bleach. I sigh and slump down onto the bed.

I pull my phone out of my back and check it. There are seven missed calls, and as I switch it on, it rings again.


I press decline.

He phones again right away.

I press decline.

What would I say to him, anyway?

He just keeps phoning, though, and no matter how many times I decline, he calls right away again.

Finally, I give in and answer the call.

“Seraphina, please don’t hang up, just listen, alright. Give me a chance to speak.”

He sounds flustered and desperate.

“Speak, Antonio.”

“I was going to tell you. Of course, I was going to tell you. I was just waiting for all the pieces to come together after the meetings and the legal stuff so that I knew what was what. I had to figure it all out, and then I was going to tell you. I swear. I was waiting for the right time. Please believe me. Seraphina, it was a lot for me to process, you know. I didn’t even know what it all meant. I just had to sort it all out in my head, and then I was going to sit down with you and talk.”

I don’t know what to say. I hear his words, but words are words, and his actions really let me know who he is.


“I'm so sorry, my angel. I'm really sorry I kept it from you.”

Tears spring to my eyes at the softness of his voice. I can't process any of this.

I drop the phone from my ear, letting my hand rest in my lap. I can hear his voice still coming through. I slide my finger across the screen, dragging the red button to hang up.



Seraphina has been gonefor two days. I have been looking for her, but not with my full effort, as I also feel as though she doesn't want to be found and I need to respect that.

I send her a message in the morning and a messaging in the evening to let her know I'm thinking about her and to tell her I'm sorry.

I think she just needs time. And I have to give it to her. If I push her, I might push her away, and I can’t handle the thought of that happening.
