Page 82 of Worthy of Fate

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I quite enjoyed watching her from afar, seeing how she interacted with others, how she held herself with confidence and purpose. Unlike the cheery female she conversed with, she had a seriousness to her demeanor, but also wasn’t as intense as the pinched-faced male either. She was a mixture of the two—a perfect balance of light and dark. She was also observant, constantly glancing, taking note of her environment and situation. So observant in fact that she turned her head to look directly at me, as if she knew exactly where I was in the treetops though she couldn’t see me through the shadows.

I swooped down and landed between the horses, startling them.

Kya’s eyes brightened with her mouth gaped open, and I threw her a wink. I heard Nikan’s scoff but didn’t bother to look at him. I kept my gaze on my mate whose beauty continued to astound me.

“Mind if I catch a ride with you?” I asked, disappearing my wings.

“What about our skin touching?” She raised a brow.

“I’ll be extra careful.” The side of my mouth curved into a smile.

Come on. Let me be close to you. I want to know you better.

I hoped my smile portrayed my thoughts.

She pursed her lips and held my gaze for several moments, sizing me up. She was hesitant, and I wondered what had caused her demeanor to change from her eagerness within such a short amount of time.

I sighed with relief when she finally relented and scooted up in the saddle, leaving room for me to climb on behind her.

Both of our bodies were so tense, touching like this, her perfect plump ass rubbing up against me with every sway of the horse’s steps. Not a single part of me was able to relax the entire ride, not when I could scent every bit of her.

I hadn’t ridden a horse for at least a century. There was no need. Not when I could travel so much faster on my own in the skies. But I wanted this closeness to Kya. The closer she got to me, the more I never wanted her to go. I wanted to curl my body over her and embrace everything that she was. She was intoxicating to me.

“I’ve been wondering.” I broke the silence between us to offer a distraction, more for myself. “Are you able to feel me?”

She slowly turned her head to look at me. Her face blanched. “Erm, what do you mean?” Her eyes darted to my hardened cock pressing against my pants, between us, before quickly looking back to me.

“I know you can feel that. But that isn’t what I was referring to.” She turned back around and I huffed a low chuckle. “I meant…well, I don’t know what I mean exactly. Several times, when I would get closer to you, you couldfeelme.”

“How do you know that?”

“I, um,” I lowered my voice. Shame washed over me. “I entered your mind before. Only briefly though.”

“Hmm,” she hummed before she continued. “I don’t know if I like that, or if I don’t.”

My eyebrows scrunched together. I couldn’t think of why someone would like that at all.

“But yes,” she answered. “I could feel you. Though I didn’t know it was you at the time. And I was curious how you were able to seemingly appear and disappear, but after seeing your wings, it all makes sense now.” She smiled over her shoulder.

“Appear and disappear?” I asked.

She nodded. “Yeah. From the ground.”

My eyebrows raised with intrigue. “You’re a terbis wielder.”

“Technically.” She shrugged.

“What does that mean?”

She sighed. “I’m not strong in manipulation; however I can feel vibrations through the terra and I can sense where and what things are, so long as it’s touching the ground.”

Manipulation or not, having a unique ability such as hers was something to behold. I smiled down at my mate.

She truly is a rare little gem.

“What about your gifted ability from Kleio? Have you worked on developing it?”

“A bit. But not enough to hold for long without passing out. I need to work on it more, as well as what I’ve gotten from Odarum. He’s supposed to be helping me but he keeps disappearing.” She scowled.
