Page 83 of Worthy of Fate

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“Odarum is your Spirit?” I gazed at her. Those green eyes shone in the morning light, captivating me wholly, and I wanted to taste those lush pink lips.

She nodded.

“Good to know it’s not just mine. Has your shifting manifested yet?” I asked.

Kya pursed her lips and shook her head. “No. He said it would take more connection through the bond, but I’m not entirely sure what that means.” She twisted her upper body to look up at me. “How did you do it? With the wings and all?”

“Depends on what it is. But from what I’ve learned, it’s equal parts bond and emotion. It took a life-threatening situation for mine to manifest. And my wings aren’t the only thing I can shift from my Spirit. It is possible to shift multiple physical aspects as well as a magical ability.”

“What ability have you gained from your Spirit? What is your Spirit animal anyway?” Kya asked. Her sweet voice was smooth like silk, and it only caused me to get even harder.

“Get to know your mate later. We’re here,” Nikan snapped.


All three of them pulled up their masks, concealing their faces. I didn’t understand why they kept their faces hidden as we approached the city of Ilrek before us.

After depositing our horses at the stables on the outskirts, we quickly passed through the city as dusk approached. I had always appreciated the beauty and peace of the city. I hadn’t spent much time in Ilrek, generally busy with matters in my own Nation, but I enjoyed the atmosphere of the culture here. It reminded me of Voara, how harmonious the people were. Nikan grumbled something about running an errand before meeting us back at Morah later.

I walked a step behind my mate and her sister, catching a glimpse of Kya’s ass occasionally as we passed through the rings of the city to the center where the great library was. People parted in the streets as we passed through and mumbled low whispers, quickly getting out of the way. I eyed them curiously, realizing that they weren’t looking atusbut rather the two females in front of me. The people in the streets were wary of them. My eyes widened when one such whisper was audible enough to make out a single word.


My mate is a Roav?

How could I have missed it? Had I been so distracted with her presence that I failed to notice? Now that I had, it was obvious. The cloaks and hoods and, for the love of Xareus, they had fucking Roav pins fastened to their cloak.

“Little gem,” my voice kept low. “What is your occupation exactly?”

“Little gem? That’s so cute!” Malina whispered to Kya.

She turned her head and the edges of her pine-green eyes crinkled underneath her hood giving me a wicked look before she winked at me.

“You’ll find out soon enough,shadow.”

Her sultry voice and the mischievous look in her eye had my cock hardening all over again, and I had to adjust myself to make it less obvious after she turned her head back around. And the way she called me shadow had my fists clenching to keep from grabbing her and taking her right then and there. I forced my mind to think about anything else.

We wove our way through the city and thankfully, as we rounded a corner, my thoughts shifted to the great library before us. Even having seen it dozens of times, being in the presence of the towering obsidian building nearly took my breath away as we entered the inner ring of the city. Morah was an incredible piece of architecture, the exterior made entirely of dark glass, shining with the light of the setting sun. Even though the glass was translucent, you couldn’t see the interior, but those that were inside could see out.

No one knows exactly how long ago Morah had been built. Some say it was erected by the Gods themselves, but it was more widely believed that it was the work of great terbis, air, and fire wielders. The theory was that the fire wielders heated the rock until it became molten and the terbis wielders manipulated its shape and pressure to form the glassy substance, with the air wielders cooling it quickly. Some have said that it was filled with darkness of shadow wielders, creating the black within the glass, but most doubted that.

Funny how there was no record of how the library was built, when the Scholars who worked inside recorded everything else in the realm.

Home to the greatest collection of knowledge in the world, the library’s vast selection was open to anyone in any of the Nations. Any of the Lords, Ladies, or citizens of any kind on the entire continent was able to come here and search through the masses of books and tomes and scrolls anytime they wanted. The Scholars believed that knowledge was something to beshared with everyone, no matter their nationality. I appreciated that about the Scholars. They didn’t let the laws of the nations hinder the access to the works of the realm and they weren’t loyal to any of the Gods either, their entire purpose dedicated solely to the knowledge contained here.

Kya and Malina walked up the steps, I followed behind, into Morah, their home.

Entering the massive library, I was assaulted with the smell of old parchment and ink and something else—fear. Scholars, dressed in their typical attire, rushed around within the library. Books and paper were strewn over the floor and tables as they attempted to frantically organize them as much as possible.

Kya and Malina froze where they stood, taking in the chaos of their once peaceful home. The two females watched the Scholars for a moment. I reached out to touch Kya, I could feel her worry, but stopped when Malina spoke.

“Where?” Malina demanded. Neither of them breaking their eyes away from the frenzy.

“His study,” Kya said.

I didn’t have time to ask who they were talking about before they bolted through the library. Kya glanced over her shoulder to make sure I was following.

Of course, I was. I would be nowhere else but by her side given the chance.
