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“You’re under my protection. I will come along.”

His voice is firm, leaving no room for argument. It’s not a request; it's a declaration. Boris Zolotov doesn’t ask for permission. He takes control of the situation.

“Next, we need to get married," Boris declares, as if this is the most natural proposition in the world. "It's not just about us—there's a child to consider now."

“What?” I sputter, almost rising out of the chair in shock. “Are you insane?”

Boris leans closer, his gaze unwavering. "I'm dead serious, Robin. This isn’t a negotiation. This child deserves a stable environment, protection, and my family's name. You can't keep running from this reality."

"Your family name?” I almost laugh out loud. “This is crazy! I barely know you," I protest, trying to reason with him.

“But you’re carrying my child. That should be enough for you to accept this arrangement.”

Marriage to a man I don’t know. The concept feels archaic. "Boris, you don't understand. This baby, it… it can't be yours." The lie tastes bitter on my tongue.

He studies me, eyes narrowing. "Robin, look at me. Do you really expect me to believe that?"

"Believe what you want," I snap, feeling cornered. "But it's the truth."

"Is it?" His voice is a low rumble, skepticism lacing every syllable. "When? With whom?"

My face heats up under the intensity of his gaze. "That's none of your business."

"Everything about you is my business now," he counters, unyielding as iron. "Especially when it concerns my child."

"Your child?" The words splinter in my chest. My mind races for an escape, but none can be found. All I can finally come up with is a quiet murmur. “It’s not yours.”

“But I was the first, correct?” he inquires.

“The first?” I gulp, dreading the direction this conversation is going in, hoping I’m mistaken.

He comes closer and places his arms on both armrests, cornering me. From where I’m seated, I can smell that strong musk on him, and I inhale deeply. I notice the corners of his lips in amused observation and quickly look away. Damn it. Why does he have the ability to just make me melt when he’s in proximity?

“Tell me, Robin, I was the first man you fucked, wasn’t I? You told me you were a virgin. Was that a lie?”

I seriously consider lying about it for a second, but I feel like this is a test. He’ll know I’m being dishonest, which will be proof enough for him to know I’m trying to cover up. He was the one who took my virginity. There’s no chance I can risk the outcome on this lie.



“No,” I declare ferociously, looking him straight in the eye. “You were the first man I fucked.”

The air around us heats, and my skin prickles as the memories rush back. He’s staring at me so intently that it feels like his desire might just shatter me into pieces.

Fuck, I’m in trouble.

He’s still staring at me, arms still holding me captive to my chair as he’s boxed me in. “So who?”

“Some guy.”

“You got a boyfriend? I remember you told me you have someone special.”

I shake my head slowly. If I say I have a boyfriend, he might ask questions I can’t answer fast enough. Plus, why have I never mentioned him when I’ve mentioned my friends, Adam, my uncle, and even my ex-colleagues? I’ve been living with Boris for almost a month now. He’s too smart to buy it.

“So who?”

“It… it was a guy at the club,” my mind scrambles for a believable response. “A client.”
