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I knew that instinct was right the second she started swaying. Losing her balance, Willow’s whole body went limp. Like a tower that was about to crash, she tipped.

But I was there before she could hit the ground. Instead, she fell into my arms, eyes still open and face ghostly white. Her skin was like ice against mine.

Consumed with worry then, I just held her for a moment and tried to glean any sort of indication on her face of what was happening.

It looked like she had lost consciousness, but I didn’t know why. She had been fine two minutes before.

Regardless of being unresponsive when I repeated her name, her eyes remained open and glazed like she had seen something so horrible that it rendered her into a stupor.

“Willow,” I tried again, shaking her gently in my arms. “Snap out of it. Tell me what’s going on.”

But she was still silent.

Seeing her so stunned with her eyes still open made discomfort scurry down my spine, but I wouldn’t leave her. I needed to know that she would be all right.

She was still breathing, which I took as a good sign. Her chest heaved up and down, picking up speed like something had scared her. Like she was trapped inside of her mind.

Remembering the strong powers she possessed, I chalked it up to a vision of some sort.

That had to be the cause of her strange paralysis.

Resolving to stay with her, I held her close and silently hoped she would come-to soon.

Chapter 10 - Willow

Darkness surrounded me as I slipped into that forced headspace, leaving the present behind me. Little by little, images and sounds flickered all around me, trying to capture my attention in every direction.

I whipped around as I tried to catch what was being shown to me. Each image lasted no longer than a beat, flashing and scurrying around the cloud-like space that surrounded me.

The revving of engines sparked to my left, along with the image of those motorcycles rolling into town again. Then Rowan and his charming smile seemed to consume the entire space again.

Like the image of him was not only around me, but inside me as well, accompanied by a sensation of unabridged joy. Of hope for what was to come, like there was nothing but bright, warm light on the horizon.

My heartbeat echoed in the space between my active mind and my body, right where the most pressing premonitions always appeared.

The feeling within me was so comforting and endorphin-inducing that I didn’t want to leave it.

The broken bond inside me flared to life, nearly bursting with longing and desire. It called out to the other half that belonged to Rowan as if it wanted to revive it.

That almost sentient-feeling entity within me pulsed like a cry of relief, like it finally had the hope it needed all along.

The promise of what had been assigned to us finally being nurtured and upheld. My bond wanted nothing more than to accept him and dive straight into that hopeful scene ahead of me.

But it vanished just as fast, and only darkness remained—cold, aching darkness.

I flinched at the change and tried to regain my bearing just as I caught a glimpse of a figure some distance away.

Straining my eyes to see it better, I had no idea what I was looking at.

But the rounded top looked like a head. While it was even darker than the space around it, the figure approached, letting me see long hair that draped down the front of its body.

Its face flashed in my mind, and it completely stopped me in my tracks.

The closer it was, the clearer its image. That feminine figure dripping with an inky-black substance was haunting to look at as it moved with each step.

At the realization that I had seen it, its grey-tinted face pulled up in a wicked smile, eyes as black as coal. It saw me, and it knew I could see it too.

That horrifying figure made my heart race. It reverberated through the space around me and pounded in my ears.
