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I only came up shorthanded and more confused than ever.

The constant reminder of how close Willow was wouldn’t let up either, aware that she was in the very same room as me. It wouldn’t be all that difficult to cut the distance between us and strike up a conversation. To try and get in her good graces.

But the booze in my system wasn’t enough to persuade me to do exactly that yet. I would need a few more drinks to make that happen.

Downing the rest of my glass, I hailed the bartender for another one.

By the time I was several drinks in, that false confidence was swimming warmly within me, and I decided there was no time like the present.

Getting up from my stool, I surveyed the crowd of busy dancers and spotted her right away, like that repressed connection between us acted like a lighthouse showing me the way to her.

Swallowing thickly at how beautiful she looked while dancing with one of the girls, I pushed forward through the others.

I didn’t know how that fractured tether between us could still work in the absence of my wolf, but I could feel it as it swelled in my chest, half begging to be closer. For the chance to feel a semblance of acceptance from her.

I never thought I’d ever be so desperate for even a second of any woman’s time, but something was different about Willow. It was obvious why those mate bonds were always hailed as being divine gifts.

In my case, it was both a gift and a curse, especially after the way I had treated her.

Feeling braver by the minute, I watched as one of the girls excused herself and moved on while Willow didn’t seem too fazed by it and kept dancing.

“Is there any chance I could join you?” I asked, letting the booze smooth out my flutter of nerves.

Willow whirled around, and many thoughts moved through her eyes before her smile fell. Without saying anything, she scoffed and moved away, heading closer to the back of the club.

My stomach dropped at her resistance, sparking a flush of irritation in me. Even if I was frustrated by how she refused to see that I wanted to be different, I understood her feelings.

I’d be delusional if I thought I deserved anything but her cold shoulder, yet it didn’t make it hurt any less.

I just hoped she would come around. After all of her smiles and carefree dancing, I didn’t want to ruin her night. I wanted to make it better by showing her she didn’t need to hate me.

That she could exist in the same space as me and not drop the room’s temperature by several degrees.

“Willow, please,” I said, following her further into the club. “I don’t mean any harm.”

“Of course you don’t,” she muttered, choosing to move around the dancers. “Because it’s not like you’ve ever hurt me before.”

My skin went cold at that. She was right. Completely and entirely right.

“I did, and I’m sorry,” I called over the music, wishing she would stop moving for a minute. “I was an idiot, and I took it for granted.”

Willow paused, and I assumed she was going to turn and finally hear a genuine apology from me. But she seemed to freeze in place like she was trying to keep herself from blowing up on me.

Feeling defeated, I ran a hand down my face as I went to turn away from her and give up. If she didn’t want to see me, then I could make myself invisible.

If she couldn’t bring herself to see that I wanted to make things right, then I had no choice but to accept it. If that was the call she wanted to make, I would respect it.

But I paused at the strange sensation that emanated from her.

“Willow?” I asked, brows furrowing. “Are you all right?”

She didn’t say anything in response. Instead, she placed a hand against the painted brick wall closest to her as she sucked in a deep breath. Her whole body was stiff yet unsteady.

I stepped closer, not knowing what was happening. “Willow, what’s going on?”

I wanted to reach out to her, but I was afraid of overstepping. She made it very clear that she didn’t want to face me, even if I had the feeling something was wrong.

Seeming like she couldn't answer me yet, I stayed put and kept an eye on her. A bad feeling in my gut was the sign that I needed to watch over her.
