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Rowan placed a kiss on my forehead, and I couldn’t help but feel whole and safer than ever in his arms.

Chapter 30 - Rowan

Gathering in the heart of Rose Valley came with a sense of peace and pride that I didn’t think I’d get to be a part of.

The square had been decorated with bouquets of white flowers and wild herbs that grew within the town limits. White streamers blew in the cool breeze like a silent welcome. While it wasn’t as flashy as the Harvest Festival had been, the décor was more subtle yet suitable for the occasion.

Zach and Kai had announced there was a new celebration that would be recognized in town for many years to come.

It was called Reconciliation Day, which marked the defeat of Keres and the merging of our two opposing groups.

Our bravery and instincts used to run to the witches’ aid were to be celebrated, along with our new peace treaty.

I walked in with Willow on my arm, both of us taking in the sight of both our groups gathered together under a common cause. The people of Rose Valley, coexisting with my men.

It was an unlikely match, and yet, it instilled me with such pride that I couldn’t ask for anything different.

We walked in with our pleased smiles, seeing everyone we worked hard to save. The people Willow sacrificed herself for. And the wolves who—for the most part—saw us as comrades.

Even if some were still somewhat resistant to us, they made no move to challenge us. There was an unwritten respect after what happened.

I no longer felt like an outsider as I walked through the gathering since those stares were full of appreciation rather than loathing. It didn’t feel like I needed to walk on eggshells any longer, and it was a complete relief.

Before long, Finn approached us with a remorseful expression, meeting my eyes. “Rowan.”

“Finn,” I stated in return, curious about what he wanted.

With his hands folded behind his back, he took a deep breath. “I wanted to apologize for how I acted before. Like River thought, I wasn’t being myself at all. I’m sure it seemed like otherwise, but that animosity wasn’t mine. I believe Keres had something to do with it,” he began, swallowing his pride. “I was out of line, and I’m sorry.”

Feeling nothing but sincerity behind his words, I had no reason to hold a grudge against him.

“I appreciate the apology. Keres wanted us to clash, so it would only make sense that she had something to do with it,” I said, offering him a nod of acknowledgement. My hand went out in front of me. “But it’s over now. No hard feelings?”

A small grin pulled on his lips, and Finn shook my hand. “No hard feelings. It’s good to have you here.”

When our amends had been made, Finn wished us a good day, citing that he needed to help Kai before the ceremony began. We both returned the sentiment and continued on our way.

I felt Willow’s knowing smile as we walked, and I cocked a brow at her in question.

“I bet you never thought that would happen,” she teased, holding my hand with so much affection that my bond was more than happy in my chest.

“If you had told me I’d hear an apology from Finn a month ago, I’d never believed you.”

Willow laughed at that, guiding me toward a stage that had been set up for the occasion.

Some others were already sitting and waiting for the speech to begin, while the rest only just began to gather. The girls had found us, huddling around with their little ones.

“Is everything all right with the baby?” River asked, looking between us with a hopeful expression.

Willow rubbed a hand over her belly and smiled. “Everything is perfect. After Soren heard about what happened, he insisted on doing a full checkup. Fortunately, the baby is doing great.”

Everyone seemed to let go of a mutual sigh of relief, and they continued to coo, asking if they could feel her belly.

More pride swam through me at the sight, aware that a beautiful life was growing inside Willow and one that we made together. The baby was almost like a symbol of how unexpected our own reconciliation had been, let alone that of our two towns.

Before long, the event-goers all found their seats and faced the front while Zach and Kai walked onto the stage.

“I want to thank everyone for being here today—especially our honorary guests who served bravely when we needed it the most,” Zach began, grinning for the whole crowd to see. “On this day, we are acknowledging the bravery and sacrifices made by not only our people but those who became our unlikely comrades. Those sacrifices have helped us reach a new period of peace and prosperity. For that, all involved have my eternal gratitude. Thank you for everything you have done.”
