Page 58 of My Bully Alpha

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And yet, despite how his reputation was tarnished, I had the feeling losing the very thing he prepared for only made him stronger. It forced him to be grateful for what he had and to be the best possible leader he could be.

By the time the meeting wrapped up and everyone understood their role in the plan, I just wanted it all to be over. I wanted to know Levi and everyone else was ok and that Sam wouldn’t be an issue moving forward.

I would only know real relief once everything was said and done, but in the meantime, I could only place my confidence in Levi and hope that he knew what he was doing.

I was worried for him, even if I knew he was more than capable.

Sam had initially been afraid of Levi because of his sheer strength and anger that far outweighed his own. That was exactly why he wouldn’t fight him. But alphas could be even more aggressive and volatile when it came to mates and Lunas.

That’s clearly why Sam wanted one for himself to boost his power, and I didn’t know what lengths he was willing to go to obtain it. However, it was becoming clearer that he didn’t understand how a fated mate bond worked. How it couldn’t be forced, no matter how badly one party wanted it.

Even if I was handed over to Sam, there was an incredibly high chance that he wouldn’t get any divine power out of me. At the very least, he would be able to abuse my premonitions, but only if I chose to share them.

But I didn’t even want to think about it out of fear I might jinx Levi.

Regardless of my worry and deeply rooted fear, I had faith in Levi and our connection. We had been blessed by the Goddess herself, and if she declared us fated mates, then who was I to question that?

For the sake of us and our family, I needed him to win. He had to.

As everyone dispersed to prepare for the night ahead, Levi turned to me and gently took my hands in his. With the plan figured out, he seemed more level-headed than he had been. Although, I could still sense the tension roiling beneath his skin.

“Thank you for the warning,” he murmured, pulling me closer to him. “For all of them. You and your powers have done a lot for me, and I won’t ever forget that. I might be the one preparing to fight him, but you have helped the pack immensely.”

As his words sank in, I felt a spark of pride in my chest, and my inner wolf soaked in that praise.

Before, I hated my abilities. I despised how they isolated me and only gave everyone else ammunition to use against me. I had never truly understood why I possessed them at all, as it only ever worsened my treatment. Whether the others would bully me for claiming to see premonitions or ignore me entirely, it never gained me any benefits in Sam’s pack.

But since I joined Levi’s pack and became his mate, I have been nothing but appreciated. It has come in handy for numerous reasons, and I have the feeling it will continue to do so.

For the first time, it felt like an advantage, and being able to help Levi with it made me feel useful. Important. It was no longer just a fact about myself but a tool I could use to support Levi and the others.

“I’m glad I could help in some way,” I told him, aware that my heart still felt tight with concern. If I get any more visions, I’ll let you know.”

“Again, thank you,” he said, kissing the back of my hand before he had to go help the others prepare.

Before long, the day was nearing its end, and my nerves were all strung out. With everyone prepared and ready to go, the few who didn’t want to risk being caught in a fight stayed behind while everyone else set out.

We began through the trees with Levi and myself leading. I walked in step with him to show my support, hoping it would give him even more courage.

Although, with all that power and built-up resentment in his system, he seemed to have enough of his own. His determination emanated from him; I was sure everyone could pick up on it. I hoped it helped them to feel safer, too, given that he wasn’t prepared to walk away without the others.

Being next to someone as stoic as Levi allowed me to feel more of that pride, aware that I was his Luna, and together, we were going to change everything.

Chapter 27 - Levi

The walk to the other pack’s territory left me with more than enough time to sit in my anger and let it fester. As we covered more land, I was itching to let my wolf out and show Sam exactly who he was messing with.

He had gone unchecked long enough, and the confrontation was long overdue.

While I had been waiting to spare the others with the hope of somehow regaining their trust, I shouldn’t have waited. I couldn’t fully regret accepting Sam’s offer to forgo the fight since I had gained Jane, but knowing I could have ended this earlier weighed heavily on my mind.

He had been given far too many chances, and given how he managed the pack, he didn’t deserve to have any of it. Not the title, the followers, or the territory.

That determination, I felt, didn’t allow me to question the potential outcome of the confrontation. I had so much anger and resentment in me that I didn’t have room for doubt or self-sabotage.

Those overwhelming emotions had ruled my life far too long, and I needed to let go of them once and for all.

With Jane by my side as the silent reminder of what was at stake, I had no intention of letting Sam get the better of me.
