Page 59 of My Bully Alpha

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I worked too hard to better myself and my pack and wasn’t willing to lose it all to a power-hungry liar.

On the outskirts of the property, I stopped and motioned for the others to take their positions. At once, those staying in the woods to catch any stragglers or to jump in if there were any issues shifted into their wolf forms and immediately headed in their respective directions. My friends followed behind, waiting for Jane and me to go first before they meant to circle around us.

Jane hesitated from beside me, wearing a worried expression as she looked at me. I could smell the apprehension on her, and I knew it wouldn’t be easy for her.

“Before we go, I just wanted to say that I believe in you,” she began talking almost sheepishly. “I’m not the biggest fan of this plan, but I know it needs to be done, and I know you’ll be fine. No matter what happens, I’m your mate. Nothing will change that. I love you.”

Those words invigorated me as I took a step closer and reached for one of her hands. With my other one, I gently caressed her stomach, where our baby was slowly but surely growing. Looking into her eyes, I saw every bit of concern and fear in them, but beyond that, I found just how deeply she cared for me—for us.

Knowing her feelings had grown that much made everything worthwhile, and my heart was reaching for hers.

“I love you too, Jane. I’ll be fighting for both of you out there. I’m beyond grateful that we realized our bond and that I have the absolute privilege of having you by my side. I don’t think lightly of it, which is why I intend to win,” I murmured, running my thumb across her cheek. “Remember, after I initiate the challenge, hang back behind the guys. They’ll make sure nothing happens to you.”

She nodded for me, pulling a brave face despite her anxiety.

Without missing a beat, I leaned in and crashed my lips against hers in a desperate kiss. That familiar warmth wrapped around me, and it took every ounce of power in me to pull away again.

“We’ll see each other after this is over, right?”

As tears gathered in her eyes, Jane took a deep breath and nodded, seemingly scraping up as much courage as she could find. “Let’s get this over with,” she said.

Ready at last to get to the end of it, I took Jane’s hand, and we began through the trees. As we went, passing under the foliage, we heard the howling of my friends in the distance, surely alerting Sam that we were coming. I could hear them running and preparing for what was to come.

Before long, we approached the center of the pack territory as five wolves followed behind us with their great height and intense features. They formed a sort of column behind us and glared at the pack members as they emerged from their houses and whatever they had previously been doing.

When we were far enough, I gave Jane’s hand a final squeeze, then let go and continued. The guys stood behind her dutifully, making sure to keep their eyes peeled for any possible threats. In the meantime, I sensed as my other wolves found their places in the woods to surround the entire property. We didn’t have the most members, but had enough to be an intimidating force.

Not bothering to temper my fury anymore, I let it move within me, as I knew it would come in handy. Between the strength that determination granted me, along with Jane’s presence and the need to protect everything I had, I did not doubt that Sam’s usurped title wouldn’t compare.

By then, the front door opened, and Sam poked his head out, his eyes immediately going wide. He was surprised to see me and the rest of my pack there.

To match his flash of fear, his followers wore the same expressions, likely afraid for what was to come. Even if none of them possessed the same ability as Jane, they had to know it was coming eventually. That I would be back to rectify the situation.

Even if they technically stood on the opposing side, I knew many of those wolves didn’t agree with how things were done under Sam’s rule. I was certain others could be, too, if Ivy could be swayed by the slightest offer of kindness and respect.

By association with Sam, they were also supposed to be my enemies, but I felt the need and desire to protect them. At the very least, I’d give them the chance to decide for themselves.

“Levi,” Sam uttered, forcing himself to step out of the house. “Did you not get enough of terrorizing us before?”

“I’m here to answer the multiple threats you left for me and my people,” I began, enraged by the mere sight of him. “We’re going to lay it all out right here, right now. No more moving around it or fabricating truths. I challenge you to a fight. This time, you’re not talking your way out of it.”

While Sam still had a hint of apprehension surrounding him, he looked around the grounds and found his wolves as they looked to him for his response. To see how hard he was willing to fight for them.

“What makes you think I’m interested in a fight?” he asked, seemingly still hoping I wouldn’t follow through with it.

“I know it was you taunting me, and we captured the messenger you sent. He spilled about your plans, and thanks to Jane’s foresight, we came here before you could come to us,” I announced, looking around at the pack members who gathered in bigger numbers. “I refuse to give up what’s mine, and I’m here to set the record straight. To prove to everyone that you aren’t the alpha you claim to be, and how I was framed for a murder I didn’t commit.”

Murmurs came from the crowd of anxious wolves, and I knew I had already lit the spark I needed to sway their opinions. If I played my hand right, they’d finally see that Sam was nothing but a fraud.

Sam nodded absently as he considered his options, hands in his pockets, moving slowly toward the stairs. “You’re going to call me a liar in front of my pack? Even after we squared things up, you have the gall to come back here and try this again?”

That rage flared within me, making me clench my fists in response. He planned to feign ignorance. To lie even more to the pack.

“Cut the bullshit,” I snapped at him, aware that my inner wolf was moments away from breaking past my wavering control. “So long as you plan to try and claim my mate, we will never be square. I have no intentions of surrendering her or anyone else, so we might as well have it out here. If you want to be a big alpha, then you can fight me like one.”

Surely aware there was no backing out of it, Sam snickered and pulled a fake smile as he moved down the stairs, step by deliberate step. “If we’re being honest, then why don’t I lay out my intentions for you?”

As much as I wanted to rage at him and get things over with, I saw an opportunity at that moment. So long as Sam spoke, there was a high chance he’d dig his own grave. That he’d rat on himself to his own people.
