Page 111 of Knot so Sweet

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Walker strokes my hair as my eyes flutter with tiredness.

“She let you claim her?” Gabe’s voice seems distant as I stretch my fingers over an enormous arm.

“There you are, my darling,” Walker murmurs as I wake against his chest. “You fell asleep the moment you claimed me.” He presses a kiss on the top of my head.

“And she claimed you, too.” It’s Jake’s voice I hear this time, and I press my hand on the mattress to turn.

“We felt it,” Gabe says. “The moment you claimed her, love and happiness seeped into my bond.” He turns to Jake. “He felt it too.”

I smile. “Two to go.”

“Does it hurt?” Jake asks as his fingers circle around the bite.

“No. It’s tingly.” I smile. “I always thought it would be painful.”

“Not when it’s meant to be,” Gabe says. “When you present your body for marking, you know your alphas are yours.”

I nod. “When I love my alphas.”

“Yes,” Gabe replies with a big smile as bliss courses through me and my eyes get heavy again.

“You could claim me now,” I say, feeling empty again. “You could both knot me together and claim me together.”

Gabe and Jake chuckle together. “Later,” Gabe says, glancing at his watch. “We’ve got an appointment with a girl called Ava in an hour.”

I squeal.

As our small hired motorboat approaches the marina in S’Arenal, I scan the docks eagerly.


My lips turn up into an enormous grin when I see my sister Ava waving ahead. She’s standing on the bow of her boat.

She’s dressed in a flowing, bright blue summer dress that billows in the gentle sea breeze. Ava waves excitedly, her chocolate brown hair whipping around her beaming face.

I clutch the carefully wrapped package to my chest, tears of pure joy threaten at the corners of my eyes as the boat nears Ava’s moored motor yacht.

“Ella!” she calls out, her voice carrying across the water to me.

Our boat docks and I thrust the precious package into Walker’s hands. I can’t resist any longer. After jumping off the back of the boat, I gather up the skirt of my own white sundress and take off, running along the narrow dock. My heart races with excitement, desperate to reunite with my sister after finding out what she went through that fateful day.

Ava leaps from her boat just as I reach where it’s moored. We collide in a fierce embrace in the middle of the sunbaked dock.

Her hand slams on her chest when she glances at the bite on my neck. “You have a pack,” she states as tears roll down her face. “I’m so happy for you.”

I nod as my alphas reach us. “You already know Walker and Jake. And this is Gabe.”

Ava accepts them, grabbing each of my alphas one by one, and hugs them.

Anyone else and I’d claw their eyes out, not my sister. I trust her with my life... with my alphas.

“Come onboard and meet Seb,” she says.

Ava ushers us all aboard her motor yacht, and I can’t help but be impressed as I step onto the stern and then the deck. This isn’t just any old boat - it’s a sleek, luxury vessel with polished teak finishings and plush white leather seating areas.

Below deck, I catch glimpses of well-appointed staterooms and a cozy salon area.

“Not too shabby, sis,” I tease, giving her an affectionate nudge.
