Page 38 of Knot so Sweet

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I walk around the great room, glancing at the stormy sea ahead as I spin the cell in my hand—waiting.

The waves crash violently against the rocky cliffs in the distance, their fury echoing through my mind and matching the roaring beats of my heart.

“You look deep in thought.”

“I’m waiting for a phone call from Eleanor.” I chew on my lip as nervous energy builds inside me. “Jake let me know that her heat is starting.” Just saying it out loud makes my dick throb.

“Fuck... Really. I wonder...” His voice is thick with anticipation before it trails off.

Before I get to reply, a deafening crack splits the air as lightning illuminates the sky up ahead.

“He told me she’d call and confirm everything today.”

“I could get her pregnant,” Walker says. “The thought of seeing her carrying my baby makes me feral.”

With unwavering steps, I make my way towards the grand wooden doors leading out to the raging sea and, holding them, I shut the doors and turn to Walker. “Our baby. Our pack baby. It could be mine.”

“I thought you didn’t see her as your omega,” Walker asks, his eyes narrowing as he considers me.

“If she’ll accept me once she finds out who I am...” I stare at Walker. I know he’s wondering why I’ve had a sudden change of heart.

I let out a heavy sigh, the conflicted emotions swirling inside me are like the crashing waves outside. “I never said I didn’t see her as my omega.” My voice laced with vulnerability. “I was just scared, Walker. Scared of her finding out who I am, scared of her rejecting me once she does.”

Walker’s eyes soften, understanding flickering in his gaze. “I get it,” he says softly. “But you also saved her.”

“She doesn’t know that. She’ll...”

He takes a step closer, his hand reaching out to touch my arm. “If there’s one thing I know for certain, it’s that we’re meant to be a family... a pack.”

I take a deep breath, my voice trembling as I speak. “Eleanor... She’s different. She’s not just an omega to me anymore.”

“I don’t think she ever was. That’s why you contacted me. You knew it was the only way.” Walker’s eyes soften, a flicker of understanding passing through them. “And the alternative wasn’t pretty,” he breathes.

My heart pounds as I remember the past and my role in it.

“So, you’re willing to take a chance? To fight for her for the long term?”

I nod slowly, my heart pounding in my chest. “Yes. I can’t let her slip away. Not now that I know how much she means to me.”

“She does that to a man. I know I should’ve fought my attraction to her, but I couldn’t.” Walker pushes his hand through his hair. “And Jake?”

I hate the thought of adding another alpha to our pack, hate that there’s a nagging sense of doubt that lingers at the back of my mind. “We trust him until we can’t.”

“We have to remember the three of us are here and wanting the same omega,” Walker says, just as my cell rings.

I glance at the caller. I already put her number in, just in case we had to bypass Jake, but he was more than willing to accept the deal. Albeit, he changed it.

“Answer it,” Walker growls. “Before she changes her mind.”

I hit the answer button and put her on the loudspeaker.

“Eleanor,” I say into the phone, hoping she’s accepting the deal, but I can’t deny I’m still unsure she’ll agree.

There’s a brief pause, as if she’s contemplating her answer. Finally, she speaks. “I’ve been thinking about your offer.” I stare at Walker. We wait as her words hang heavily in the air between us. “Jake asked me to call you and confirm my decision. But...”

My heart clenches in my chest, fearing that she’s changed her mind again, rejecting Walker and me as her alphas.

“Who is your pack mate?” she asks. “I think I should know before I accept.”

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