Page 7 of Knot so Sweet

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My heart races again, matching the tempo of the raindrops against the windows. A mixture of joy and confusion fills my thoughts as I read the rest of the note.


My hands tremble as I read those words, the weight of them sinking deep into my soul. The mention of Avaline, my older sister, stirs up a whirlwind of emotions within me.

Not only because of the fateful night we escaped our kidnapper, but also the memory of her crying as she left the home with our stepfather—never to return.

And my mother trying to console me, telling me she was going to have the perfect life.

None of us had the perfect life since my father died.

Jake stares at me, unease in his eyes. He knows how much finding Ava means to me.

I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself as a surge of hope floods my veins. “Where... Where is she?” I whisper, my voice trembling.

When he presses his finger against my lips, my eyes widen. “Are we being followed?” I ask.

He shrugs his shoulders before he pulls out a pen from his pocket and writes on the paper.

I think it’s her, but what if it’s a trap to find you?

His gaze softens, his thumb caressing the back of my hand.

Fear courses through me, as it does every time I think of my life, but the possibility of finding Ava defeats any sense of caution.

I crack open the window of the car, breathing in the salty breeze that sweeps through the car. The risks are undeniable, but the prospect of seeing her again stirs an indomitable flame deep within me.

With trembling hands, I take the pen from Jake and write my response on the same piece of paper.

I have to find her. I can’t ignore the chance that it’s her, Jake.

He sighs. I hate that I do this to him. His friendship extends far beyond what I ever imagined, and I know just how lucky I am to have him by my side.

The rain outside intensifies, but I know it’s the only place I can talk to him about this. I open my door and wait for him to turn off the engine and follow me.

“How did you find out?” I ask when he catches up to me.

“I was speaking to my brother a couple of weeks ago. I asked Josh to find out if your stepfather had anyone looking for you. Josh told me your stepfather is going out of his mind and now he won’t let your sisters out of his sight. Layla has stopped going to college.”

I tilt my head to one side. “And Ava?”

“He said she contacted him. She was looking for you and called my home to talk to me. She worked out I helped you escape.”

I tap the USB on my lap. “You think it could be a ruse by my stepfather?”

“It could be.” He shrugs his shoulders. “But it seems real. She told Josh a few things. One that she isn’t with her alpha anymore. And then yesterday I got an anonymous text to pick up a package.”

“This USB,” I check.

Jake nods.

“Do you know where she is? Can I see her now?” My heart skips a beat at the thought of holding my sister.

“Honestly, I know nothing.” Jake shakes his head. “Josh only confirmed to her what she already knew. That we ran away together. He asked her if he could help her, but she told him she’d find you. She doesn’t want you unwittingly taking people to her.”

“But you know where she is?”

Jake shakes his head. “I promise you I don’t. I only know she escaped and wants to see you. She told Josh some things to prove it was really her.”
