Page 90 of Teach Me

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I laughed as she lost her freaking mind.

“Professor Hottie Pants?” she demanded of me.

I nodded.

“Oh my God! Mia! That’s insanity! How did you do it?”

I shrugged.

“Honestly, we’re just really similar souls. We like the same things and are passionate about writing and literature. He’s so wise and brilliant, and I couldn’t help but fall for him when we worked together so much, you know?”

She was just shaking her head, trying to take it all in.

“So, you’re banging admin?” she finally asked, disbelief ripe on her face.

“It’s more than that. I love him,” I admitted, just like I had to Patrick before that.

“Oh, Mia, don’t get too close to him,” she told me, her face going serious again.

“We love each other—”

“Don’t get me wrong, it feels good at first” she said, interrupting, “but older guys like that are only in it for the sex. You know that, right? I mean, it’s probably great sex, but that’s all it is for them.”

“That’s not how it is with us,” I tried to explain, but she shook her head.

“When the semester is over and you go home, what? Do you think he’ll go with you?” she countered.

“We’re taking it one step at a time—”

“Exactly. That’s what they all say, girl. You can’t trust them. You need to know that.”

“How would you know?” I bit back, but she just frowned.

“I was you once,” she admitted. “I fell in love with this older guy. He had his own business, a car, a future. Turns out he had a family, too.”

“Owen doesn’t—”

“It doesn’t matter, Mia. They draw you in with pretty lies and promises, then they get what they want out of you and spit you back out. Professor or not, he’s no different.”

“He is different,” I barked, feeling really freaking upset that she would say such terrible things about Owen when she didn’t even know him.

“I’m just saying, have fun, then break it off before you get too involved. If he doesn’t leave you alone, then go to the faculty.”

“He could lose his job!” I shouted, officially ticked off.

“So? He’s the one doing a girl half his age.”

My lips sealed shut and I itched to grab for my phone. After the unexpected turn of things, the last thing I wanted to do was sleep five feet away from Clea in awkward silence.

“I’m sorry, I didn't mean to make you mad,” she offered.

“Yeah, I know you mean well.” My voice was tight, but she was my friend.

We could work it out.

“So, how are things with Howard?”

She grinned.
