Page 23 of Destined for Him

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“Then I’ll get a hotel,” I say, ignoring how she deflates beside me.

“Or you can stay with us?” Tommy says again, grinning at Shelby.

I’ve had enough of this creepy fucker.

“Shelby stays with me.” I knock back my drink and slam the glass on the table, swirling the liquid around my mouth as I stare at Tommy and a stunned Pauline. “End of.”



Tommy seems to get on Kevin’s last nerve for the rest of the evening, even when he showers my mom with compliments.

Why? Does Kevin like my mom?!


Itcan’tbe that.

After the meal, we stand outside the restaurant, and I wrap my arms around myself, shivering from the cold. Kevin gives me a knowing look, and I roll my eyes.

“You look cold,” Tommy says with a frown, turning to the waiting cab. “Jump in.”

The warmth of the cab does look inviting, but something stops me, and I shift, so I’m beside Kevin once more.

“I’m going to Kevin’s,” I say brightly as Mom gapes at us.

Kevin doesn’t miss a beat, though, and I’m grateful.

“You know she’s safe with me, Pauline.”

Mom doesn’t look happy, but I think it’s less to do with my safety and more to do with the fact she’d rather be the one going home with Kevin. I can’t help but feel a little smug, but then I remember that’s mymom.

“I’ll be fine. What are your plans?” I ask, widening my eyes innocently.

Tommy and Mom exchange a look, and Mom blushes.

“You can come back to mine for a drink if you like?”

Tommy grins widely and looks back at us.

“Why don’t you guys come back too? We’ll make a night of it.”

Kevin tilts his head before chuckling.

“We’re good.”

There’s an awkward silence until Kevin slides his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. I inhale him instantly, my arms wrapping around his waist as he tenses beneath me.

I don’t care that he’s pretending because of this Tommy dude; I love being in his arms.

“Look after my mom,” I tell Tommy sternly as he salutes me.

“Sure thing, Ma’am.”

Mom hugs me and glances at Kevin before sighing.

“Have fun. Be safe. What time will you be home?”
