Page 9 of Destined for Him

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I’m almost at the aisle when I hear her voice, and I stop like I’ve been hypnotized.

“I told you. Nothing happened! He’s a customer. That’s it.”

I back up so I’m looking toward Shelby’s voice, my gut clenching when I see Finlay staring down at her with an expression I don’t fucking like.

Shelby must’ve been at work because she’s still in that shitty outfit she wears when she’s there—all tits, ass, and endless legs.

But she’s scowling at Finlay, her red nails resting on the sexy curve of her hips as she steps closer to him.

“Then why don’t I believe you? I saw how you looked at him!”

I can’t stand much more.

I’m torn between interrupting the little shit show and walking away, but something about the way Bentley is looking at her rubs me the wrong way.

“Evening,” I drawl, staring at the toiletries on the shelf like I give a fuck.

Panic quickly replaces the relief on Shelby’s face, and her eyes dart from me to Bentley like she’s worried we’re going to brawl.

Which we might, judging from the way the kid is looking at me.

“Alright, Langdon?” Bentley curls his lip at me and I don’t miss the dislike in his eyes.

I’ve never liked this kid.

“Mr,” I correct him, moving my gaze to Shelby.

Fuck me. Her eyes.

They’re like emeralds, and her lips are full and plump… and I just want to kiss the fuck out of her.

Nah, man. Stop it.

“Whatever,” Bentley snorts before stomping away.

Little prick.

Then he turns to Shelby with a glare.

“Hurry up. I haven’t got all damn day.”

I watch him until he disappears from view, and Shelby groans with embarrassment beside me.

She’s a good foot and a half smaller than me, even in her heels, so when she looks up at me I can’t help but imagine her on her knees.

“Everything okay?” I ask gruffly, watching her eyes dim.

I fucking hate this.

“Yeah, he’s just…” she waves a hand in his direction before letting it fall limply to her side. “Jealous, I guess.”


Shelby crosses her arms and gives a little shrug before answering.

“Any man that looks in my direction.”

