Page 48 of Shadow Mate

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“That didn’t sound quite right to me, so I reached out to Salem. She’s only recently found out she’s a witch and is just exploring her powers. She, too, was human and turned, only it was her fated mate that did the turning. Salem was pretty sure that little rule only applied to your fated mate, not just some asshole who turned you against your will. She was going to do some digging. She used to be a cop, so she’s good at that sort of thing, and she’ll let me know what she discovers.”

“Oh god, if that’s true, it’s even worse. I let him get away.”

“Sorry, that’s not true. This was a team effort. I don’t know that anyone let him get away. The only issue I can see is that he can use the link to track you. He already knows you’re here at the abbey so until we can catch the little bastard and dispose of him…”

“You mean kill him?” Adriana asked.

“I do, indeed. He turned you without your consent. Even the misogynist pricks that run the Ruling Council think that’s a big no-no. Then there’s the fact that he was one of Strode’s goons, and he attacked our stronghold. None of that makes me want to let him live.”

For the first time, Brie could see Adriana’s demeanor change. Gone was the victim, and in her place stepped the warrior. Her spine straightened, her shoulders went back, and her eyes cleared, burning with purpose.

“Until that time, I’d like to stay here. I’m thinking about joining the Shadow Sisters, and I’d like to start tracking that celestial key,” said Adriana, all timidity gone from her voice.

“Oh, I was so hoping you’d say that. And whether you’ll be joining the Shadow Sisters or not, Colby had already told me you were welcome here for as long as you like. In the meantime, how about you and I take a run? Have you ever shifted before?”

Adriana laughed. “It was awkward, but it was my wolf who got me away from Eoghan and Strode to begin with.”

Brie stepped away, putting some space between them. “The trick is to call to your inner beast—for lack of a better term—and just relinquish control of your physical self. Make sure when you shift around others that you have adequate space so that the shifting mists don’t intermingle and collide.”

Adriana grinned. “Got it. Doesn’t Colby want you to go upstairs with him?” she teased.

“What Colby wants and what he gets are often two different things. Besides which, after I shift, I’m incredibly horny, so it’ll work to his benefit.”

Adriana laughed. Brie called forth her lynx, which had been pacing restlessly inside her mind. The beautiful cat leaped forward as the swirling mist rumbled with thunder and shards of color and electricity sparked. Together with the dark silver and black wolf she bounded off the patio, reveling in the soft grass beneath her feet and the freedom that came with allowing her more feral self to run free.

Together, she and Adriana ran across the manicured lawns and through the formal gardens, which were still a work in progress. They galloped toward the promontory cliff and bounded down the rocky path leading to the beach. Once they hit the beach they danced with the waves, splashing one another.

Spinning around, Brie led Adriana on a wild dash across the beach, up the cliffside path on the other side of the cove, dodging the waves that crashed along the rocky coastline. Turning back, they charged towards the abbey and escaped into the confines of the strong walls and up the stairs to their respective rooms.

Once inside, Brie shifted and went into the shower, luxuriating in the hot water and body wash that smelled so good. Once she was clean, she dried off and headed back into the bedroom, planning to wait for Colby’s return. As she walked through the door, she was bombarded with the rush of lust and love that came barreling down the link.

She laughed with unbridled joy as she saw her fated mate, the love of her life, waiting for her. He lifted the covers to reveal not only his naked body, but the exaggerated state of his arousal.

“Why don’t you join me in our warm bed and tell me everything.”

“How about we say nothing at all?” she purred as she crawled into bed beside him.

There might not have been words, but they told each other everything.



Over the next week, Colby was able to bring more of his people to the abbey, and they began making their final touches to the security of the stronghold. Plans were finalized for the medical center, common rooms, and living quarters. He had happily turned that over to his mate/beta, who was showing her eye for design and ensuring that comfort was built into everything. People had wondered at Colby’s invitation to the youngest son of one of the beaver colonies to join him as his contractor. But it made sense to Colby. Who would know better than a beaver about building sound structures?

Brie was out shopping with Caye and Adriana, which bore sad tidings to his bank account, but he had to admit everything they bought was well thought out and not only did its job, but did it in an artistic, cozy, and comfy way.

He’d purchased St. Piran’s many years ago with an eye to making it a sanctuary for the Shadow Sisters. Brie had embraced her role as mate, beta, and titular head of the group of her rogue females. Caye would be returning to North America to lead the Shadow Sisters in the Americas. She would be scouting for a stronghold from which they could operate. Windsong was in the mix, but he sensed both Caye and Brie wanted something a little less remote.

“My plan to drive you into the poor house is going well,” Brie said as she breezed into the office they shared and settled herself in his lap.

“Good to hear. I like a challenge. Now if you could just find some things for me to smuggle.”

“Never fear, my beloved mate, I have a list.”

Colby laughed. “Of course you do. Is Caye any closer to finding somewhere she wants to settle?”

“Interestingly enough, she’s looking at a couple of places in New Mexico and Wyoming.”
