Page 20 of Up in Flames

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I stayed with him for so long because I didn't recognize the signs. And now that I was away from him, it's evident. He was emotionally and verbally abusive. I thought I had nowhere else to go. I thought that I didn’t have anyone else who could understand me and that I was stuck with him. But then I left and met Adonis and he changed everything.

Adonis is different. He is kind, caring, and he truly listens to me.

He showed me I am worth more than what Tim made me believe.

Adonis also taught me how to love again. He showed me how to open up to someone and to trust them. He showed me that it’s okay to let someone in and to trust them with my heart. He taught me that love isn’t supposed to be a competition or a power struggle but that it is supposed to be an equal partnership.

Adonis taught me how to be myself again. He showed me that I didn’t have to conform to what Tim wanted me to be and that I can be my own person. He showed me that I didn’t have to change who I am to make someone else happy. He showed me that I am worth more than that.

He is proof that there are still good men out there. Even though Tim hurt me, I can still open my heart and trust someone again. We can have a healthy and happy relationship. I don't have to settle for anything less.

Tim didn't know how to treat me. Through Adonis's actions, I know I deserve to be happy and shouldn't have put up with Tim's games as long as I did.

Leaving Tim and coming back to Grapevine is the best decision I ever made. I was stuck in a bad relationship for so long, but Adonis showed me that there is still hope.

I am strong and can still pursue my dreams. No matter what Tim instilled in me. Adonis is helping me put all that behind me and believe in myself again.



As I lazily flip through the channels, it is already late in the evening on what is supposed to be my last night of rest before heading back to work. A bowl of popcorn balances on my lap as I watch the umpteenth crime documentary rerun. My brow furrows as I hear a knock. I shuffle to the door and open it to find my best friend Ryan standing there, red-faced and fidgeting with a six pack in his hand. Since him and Betty have gotten more serious, I haven't seen much of him outside of work.

The distress in his face is evident. I raise my eyebrows. "What's up?"

He shakes his head and strides into the apartment, straight for the kitchen island where he slams down the beer with a thud. "I'm ready." He looks up at me, as if expecting me to know what he means.

"Ready for what?"

He slowly reaches into his pocket, and slowly withdraws a small black box, and flips it open. Light glints off the diamond ring inside, and he looks at me with a smile. Wow! He is going to propose? Honestly it's not a surprise. They have been getting more serious and have been together almost three years. Betty is probably wondering when he is going to finally pop the question.

"Am I crazy? I need you to tell me... you think its too early?" He runs his fingers through his hair and takes a swig of his beer. "I just... feel like she is the one."

Marriage is a sacred vow that should not be taken lightly, yet many couples jump into it without a second thought. Ryan and Betty might seem lucky for having had the chance to live together before getting engaged, but it doesn't guarantee a successful marriage. How can they know if they will be able to stand each other? What if she can't start the morning without coffee? At least they lived together for a bit before Raven moved back. It's a huge step in a relationship, and I applaud him for being committed to Betty.

"If you can envision a future with her, where you laugh together through the joys and sorrows life throws your way, then close your eyes and jump—for there will be no better feeling than knowing she will always be by your side. No matter what lies ahead, you must cling to the certainty that you will weather the storms together."

The honor of him coming to me for this advice is astounding. I have never been married, but if Britney didn't pass, we would have been, but I am lucky enough to have two great loves in one lifetime. How did I get so lucky?

This is the first time I have seen him outside of work since Raven and I started actually dating, and even though he hasn't said a word about it, I should ask him if he's okay with it. He is the one that asked me to take her to the Scarlett Dance. This would have never happened if not for him. Hell, I should be thanking him for bringing Raven into my life. My second chance at happiness is all because of Ryan.

I swallow hard and feel a knot forming in my stomach. My finger drums on the counter as I spoke, “So, since we're on the topic, what do you think about me dating your sister?” I search his face for any hint of disapproval, yet his expression remains unreadable.

“You don't get it,” he says, his jaw set and voice trembling. “My sister needs someone who knows how to treat a woman. That jerk—he was always trying to control her, making her feel like she wasn't good enough. Tearing her down every chance he got. It was like watching a car crash in slow motion—I'm just glad it's finally over.”

I shake my head. “I knew he called off their engagement when she moved here, but I never pried into the details. I figured she’d tell me more when she felt comfortable talking about it.” My eyebrows knit together in concern as I imagine the heartache she must have experienced. Being thrown to the side after a decade of being with someone is horrendous. Why would any man treat a woman like that? Especially a woman they claim to love?

“Yeah, he’s a real scumbag,” Ryan spits out. His jaw clenches as he talks, and his face turns crimson. “He thinks he can do better than my sister. She’s so loyal and deserves the best, not some guy who would drop her like a hot potato. Thank God he walked away when he did, instead of after my sister had gotten her hopes up and married him.” Ryan’s voice gets louder as he speaks, and his fists are balled up.

Wow, Ryan did not like her ex. It's apparent.

"That's why I'm so happy you agreed to take her to the dance. Betty mentioned the chemistry between you two that first time at the diner. We had to force you guys together, but once you got to know each other, fate did its job."

Thinking back to that night, it is the night that things did shift for us. We talked and opened up to each other on a whole different level. He's right. If he didn't asked me to take her, we might not have ended up where we are. Happy.

"Now, I can focus on myself again. She's happy and I'm happy. Just remember, if you break her heart then I'll have to hurt you. You have had a rough road, and it can't be easy with what you have been through, but my sister deserves someone who won't ever expect her to be their second choice."

Ryan is protective of his sister, and I get it, but the last thing I want to do is hurt Raven. "She knows that Britney will always be in my heart, and she doesn't expect anything different. Raven though, she is the woman that might just be my future wife, and I will do whatever it takes to make her the happiest woman I can."
