Page 18 of Tats

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"I want to try a casual relationship with you."

My eyes widen as the needle hits my skin, but I don't notice it; I don't even flinch despite knowing how much I hate needles after a nurse stabbed me a little too hard when I was a child.

"I'm sorry, I need you to repeat that."

He snorts at my words, dipping his gun into some ink before smirking at me, and placing the needle back on my skin.

"I know you feel this chemistry between us, and I just, fuck," he looks at me, pausing what he's doing, "I can't do relationships, Shorty, I just can't. But I know I want you, and I'd regret not having a part of you."

He goes back to my collarbone, going over the outline of the sparrow as my mind races. I want this; I've wanted this for years, but thought he wouldn't be interested.

"But you're my best friend, Tats, I don't want to lose that," I whisper, and he stops again, cupping my cheek.

"And you won't. As soon as one of us feels like it's getting too much, we pull back. This could be a one-and-done; it could last for a few months, I don't know. I think we should try. Maybe we could have some fun for once, Vi, instead of the shit life has handed to us."

He rubs my cheek before returning to the ink to let me think, and my mind continues to race. I want to say yes, but I don't know if I can. I don't want to lose his friendship, and I don't want to lose my heart.

I spent a week going over every single pro and con on starting a casual relationship with him, and in the end, when he showed up at my door, I couldn't say no. He was angry and hurt, and I thought it was because of his sister and the three bitches’ treatment of her, the same bitches whose cars magically ended up losing their tires and, of course, how their parents had to question missing money from the high school that was found in each of their purses.

I will not reveal my secrets, though, having my momma, who taught me a lot against my father's wishes, helped.

No one hurts little Lettie.

Sighing, I continue taking my practice test, my mind returning to Tats as usual while trying to answer each question without putting his name down in the blanks.

Turns out the club basically thinks he's going to turn against them all because of who his birth mother is, despite thinking of Emily as his momma. That night he came to me, he mentioned that he finally blew up, and to this day, he only goes to the club when he has to, despite his prez keeping him tied to the club with orders for runs and church attendance.

After we spent a few hours in the sheets where he rocked my world, I'd had enough of their treatment of him and ended up calling Snake anonymously.

I watch Tats' chest rise and fall slowly in a deep sleep, the five o'clock shadow on his jaw making me want to scratch my nails through it. My vagina feels like it's swollen from the pounding he gave me. My body is tired. I should be sleeping but I can't, I need to do this for him because honestly, the club’s a joke.

Slowly, I climb out of bed, knowing that, come morning, after I've fallen asleep, he'll be gone. It's one of the rules that he mumbled before entering me in one swift thrust. The other is that as soon as one of us feels the need to pull out, we pull out and go back to being best friends. After reconnecting at the home, we became friends fast.

I quickly put his shirt on before grabbing my phone. I look at him one last time before going into my small living and kitchen area and taking a seat in the kitchen nook. I spin my phone around before dialing Snake's number, which I may or may not have gotten out of Tats' phone.

I'll never admit it.

The phone rings six times, and when I think it will go to voicemail, a grumpy voice rumbles over my speakers.

"This better be a fucking emergency…."

I smirk before saying, "I don't know, Snake. Your enforcer wants to hand in his patch. Is that an emergency to you?"

He's quiet for a few seconds, then there's some rustling, then a door closing, before he speaks again, sounding a lot more awake, "Who the fuck is this?"

I sigh and reply, "It doesn't matter who this is, but I'm only going to give you this information once; how you treat it, that's completely up to you. He doesn't feel like he's part of the family." Snake goes to butt in, but I don't allow it, speaking a little louder but not loud enough to wake sleeping beauty. "He believes he's a burden. He has been told that over and over most of his life. He's had brothers treat him like he's an enemy of the club when he's done everything for the very same club that despise him. He's ready to hand in his patch as soon as the contract with the tattoo shop is up. You'll lose him, Snake."

He is quiet for a minute before he speaks up, "What do I do to keep him? I don't want to lose my brother, my fucking best friend."

I sigh and shrug even though he can't see me. "I don't know, but he's not happy with the club; his dad didn't treat him right until after he met his woman, and the brothers treated him like crap because of Snatch. You need to open your eyes to see how his so-called family treats him, how that bitch who birthed him treats him. She wants his money and tells him so daily. I mean, even the club is using him for his talents, the tattoo shop is proof of that." I swallow hard. "This is it now. This is all I'm giving you. It's your choice how you sort the situation because, Snake, I'm telling you now, something you don't know…financially, he doesn't need the club."

With that I hang up. I leave my phone on the counter and walk back to the bedroom, my eyes instantly going to the man lying in my queen-sized bed. The moonlight lights up Tats' body, and his tattoos are on full display.

Removing his shirt, I climb back into bed as his arms wrap around me from behind, holding me close. I know, when this fling ends, it will kill me.

It doesn't matter if I don't want a relationship, in my heart, it’s always been him.

I blink as I finish my work, looking through the answers and double-checking them. I'm happy that I've got 89% which, if I get that same grade tomorrow, will be a pass.

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