Page 38 of Tats

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"Oh, sorry, baby girl," she says, before adding, "Where are you, Vi? We're coming over."

I sigh and give her the address, but demand she keeps quiet about it before hanging up. I drop my head back on the couch, wishing Jayden was here.

I let out another sob.

Things are hard, and his silent treatment is scaring me.

Half an hour later, I'm in the same spot when the door opens, and April runs in, making me smile at her yellow dress. Her blue eyes widen at the room before she rushes over to me. She jumps on my lap, her arms wrapping around my neck, holding me tightly, and making my tears start to well up again.

Liv enters, shutting the door behind her. Her eyes widen as she states, "Holy moly, this place is gorgeous."

I smile, shrugging, because, yeah, it's literally a dream home that Jayden remodeled by himself. He's even thinking of buying some animals. I voted for a cat, though I don’t think that vote counts anymore, does it?

April kisses my cheek, whispering, "Love you, Auntie Vi-Vi," making my tears fall. She grabs her coloring stuff from her momma and sits at the oak coffee table in front of the fireplace, and Liv sits next to me. Her ginger hair is up in a messy bun, curls framing her face, while her light blue eyes look at me with concern.

"Spill, before I call Sarah."

And I do, not wanting to deal with the prez's old lady, who is a sweetheart but a bull when pissed.

I tell her about losing my virginity to Jayden, how he didn't remember because he was high on cocaine, but make sure to mention he's now clean, making her eyes widen in shock.

I tell her about seeing him again four years ago and becoming best friends, making her scowl because apparently, she's my best friend. This makes me laugh as I wipe away some of my tears. I express how we decided to try a casual relationship, making her snort because, yeah, they never really work out, if all the romance books I've read ring true.

I tell her about us both trying to hook up with other people but failing. I tell her about my trying to end things, only for Jayden to pull me in and make us official.

Her grin grows with each word until I tell her about my money problems and my idiotic job at Sugars.

Her face reddens with anger as I tell her about the job and what they do to their employees…and about the MCs raid on the club.

"When he saw me there, he was so cold, and I-I feel like I'm going to-to lose him, and-and that will-will destroy me. He-he's my family."

Liv wraps me in her arms, holding me tightly as my body shakes with my tears.

She whispers, "It sounds to me that he loves you, but seeing you in that situation scared him because he could have lost you. He's always been closed off; we all thought he was a player when, really, he was falling in love with you. He just needs some time to breathe through the realization of what happened."

I sob some more, my heart hurting as Liv's arms tightens around me before little arms wrap around my neck, both comforting me.

A little while later, April is engrossed in Beauty and the Beast while I stare off into space, my head on Liv’s shoulders, my tears continuing to fall as she plays with my hair.

The door opens and April squeals at Jayden, but I don't look up, knowing my eyes are red from crying, my cheeks stained.

"Hey, Little Cutie," he says, his voice light instead of an odd grunt in acknowledgment.

"Hey, Tats, I hope you're okay with us crashing," Liv says.

I can hear the smile in his voice when he replies, "Of course not, you two are always welcome."

Liv nods. "I appreciate it, and don't worry—no one will know about this place."

He hums and says, "Thanks, darling."

I still don't look up, even though I feel his eyes on me.

Liv kisses my head and whispers, "I'm going to get our girl to her dad's. Speak to him, Vi. You're not losing him. If you were, you wouldn’t basically be living in his house."

I nod and sit up a little as she kisses my cheek, and gets April's stuff together. The little cutie runs over to me. She jumps in my arms and kisses my cheek, too, before she and Liv say bye to Jayden. But I don't look at him. I keep my head down, trying not to sob, knowing that I've disappointed him.

I hear the door shut, and then everything is quiet. I brace myself for when he goes upstairs and ignores me. I hear his footsteps, and my tears start to fall. I hate his silent treatment, wishing I'd just told him about the job.

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