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"It seems that you sent an unsolicited inappropriate picture Saturday evening. This morning, she came in and filled out a formal complaint. She did not want to go to the police but wanted to make her discomfort clear."

I raked my hand through my hair, the room spinning. What the hell is happening and why is it happening to me?

"Look, I was with Molly Saturday." I pointed to Morgan, hoping she could throw me a lifeline. "You saw us. I'm with Molly and I haven't sent her photos so it can't be her. You can check my phone."

"You could have deleted it," he said. He looked conflicted like maybe he wasn't sure where to stand.

"Did she show you this alleged photo?"

"She said she didn't want to look at it again. She said it was obscene."

"Obscene?" I had to laugh. This was ridiculous.

"Yes, she said that was the word."

"Look, you don't even have proof that this picture exists. So, what's the goal here?"

"She filed a complaint, Jake. We need to address it."

"Well, what if I filed a complaint against her for filing a false complaint? Morgan, you're my advocate here. What’s the deal?"

"Jake's right, Mr. Walker. Without proof and an impartial investigation there is nothing that can be done other than temporary paid leave while an investigation is completed."

Walker's lips turned down into an exaggerated frown, like a bulldog, and he started to flounder. "I'm sorry Jake, I hate trying to play the tough guy. You don't understand how hard it is. But maybe I was getting ahead of myself. You head off to class and we'll do a more thorough investigation, but I'm gonna ask that you keep this between us and not tell Valerie because she'll be really mad."

Morgan's eyes went wide. "Walker," she said through gritted teeth.

"What?" Recognition widened his eyes. "Oh, dear."

"Valerie Reed? I sure as hell did not send her pictures. I don't even think I have her contact info. Jesus Christ. She's making it up."

Morgan raised her hands. "Let's leave this for now and we will come back to it. Jake, I'm advising you to stay away from her. You don't want to be seen as antagonistic. And for your own sake don't allow yourself to be in a potentially compromising situation with her. Am I clear?"

I nodded.

"Good," Morgan said and turned to Walker.

I stormed out before anymore could be said. Mrs. Givens, who had not been at her desk when I entered earlier glanced up, spectacles slipping down her nose as she brazenly eyed me up and down.

I clenched my jaw, waiting uncomfortably for whatever gossipy comment was clearly coming as she slowly ran her quivering reptilian tongue over her fuchsia lips, never breaking unsettling eye contact.

“My, my, Mr. Kingsbury, what troubles have wrinkled your brow so distressingly this morning?” Her grating voice dropped to a tone probably mimicking sultriness. “Perhaps I could... smooth away that scowl if you’d care to unburden yourself privately?”

She theatrically fanned herself with a folder as I fought revulsion. “I'm good, thanks." I went straight to the staff room. How was I being accused of sexual misconduct while the crypt keeper practically banged me with her eyes every time she saw me?

I shook my head and grabbed the coffee carafe and poured a cup. Leaning against the counter in the small break room, I tried to get myself in check. It was well passed late bell, but my students would survive a few more minutes without me.

Morgan peered in and flashed a sad smile, though there was a hint of amusement in her eyes. She asked, " You, okay?" as she slipped in and closed the door behind her.

I arched my brow. "How do you think I am?"

"I'm sorry that happened. Between that and the dating profiles it seems like you have a lot going on."

"You have no idea." I exhaled deeply and then sipped the coffee.

"This is me talking to you as Morgan and not your HR person, ok?"
