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"So," I started, clearing my throat. "How have you been, Natasha?"

"Good. Great actually." She flashed a dazzling smile at Molly and Hailey. "I'm getting married."

Molly nodded politely. The forced smile on her face one I imagined she used at parent-teacher conferences. "Yes, Jake told me. Congratulations."

Hailey remained quiet, her cheeks flushed and red.

Natasha fiddled with her rings, not looking at anyone as she said, "Thank you."

Another beat of silence, the room filled with the ticking of the clock on the wall.

"So, Hailey," Natasha started, a forced casualness in her voice. "Tell me about yourself."

"Not much to tell," Hailey said, shrugging.

"What about school? Any boys you're interested in?"

Hailey shook her head. "School's okay. No boys."

"Any friends?"

"A few."

The conversation was stilted and strained, and the air in the room was suffocating.

"So, you're getting married," Hailey said and I could see in her face that she felt out of her depth floundering at a previous point in the conversation that she had not joined in on earlier.

"Yeah," Natasha replied. "Hector is great. You'll love him."

"I doubt it. How would you know what I would love?"

The words hung in the air, heavy and sharp. I could feel the tension in the room mounting.

Natasha laughed nervously. "Of course you'll love him. He's a great guy."

"Why now?" Hailey asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"What do you mean?"

"You've never cared about me before. So why now?"

Natasha's eyes widened, her expression one of surprise and hurt. "That's not true."

"Yes, it is." Hailey's voice was steady, but I could hear the emotion trembling beneath the surface. "You've never cared about me." I moved to sit beside Hailey and put a hand on her shoulder.

The words hit Natasha like a blow. Her face fell, and I could see the pain and regret in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Hailey. I've made a lot of mistakes, but I've always cared about you."

Hailey scoffed. "I find that hard to believe."

"It's true," Natasha insisted, her voice shaking. "I've been selfish and stupid, but I've always loved you. You're my daughter."

Molly sat on the other side of Hailey and offered a silent hand. Hailey took it. The sight warmed me more than I could ever imagine. I glanced at Natasha, her eyes on their hands too. Her posture stiffed and she blinked the wetness from her eyes.

Hailey glanced at Molly. "Can we have a moment alone?"

"Of course." Molly said with hesitation of offense.

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