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When we got the all clear, we entered the room and Amy smiled. Her hair was damp with sweat but she looked happy.

"Hey, guys,” she breathed with a hint of exhaustion.."

"Congratulations." I cheered as Jake silently went up to his sister who proudly cradled the newest addition to the family.

"Meet Amelia Rose." Amy said, her pride beaming from her smile.

I stood in awe as Jake leaned down and kissed Amy's cheek and then with a single finger caressed the hand of the wrinkling little bundle. "She's beautiful, Ames. "

"Thank you," Amy's voice was hoarse, but the smile on her face was radiant.

My throat tightened, seeing Jake tearing up, and when his gaze met mine, the emotion between us was palpable. This was what family looked like.

"Can I hold her?" Hailey asked the excitement clear on her face.

"Of course." Amy handed her over carefully and Hailey beamed.

"She's so cute."

I leaned over Hailey’s shoulder. "Aww, she is adorable," I cooed. "She looks like you, Amy," I said, not sure if I was telling the truth or not, but it seemed like the thing to say. "How do you feel?” All the attention in the room was on Amelia. I didn’t want Amy to feel forgotten.

"You know, now that it's over, it doesn’t hurt. I'm just kind of tired. But seriously, I think if I sneeze my whole body will implode. My core is shot."

I laughed uncomfortably, not knowing what to say. "Your body did the most amazing thing. Give it some credit."

“Molly, do you want to hold her?” Hailey asked, turning to me and passing the little bundle into my arms before I had a chance to answer.

She was nearly weightless in my arms, and I held her like she was the most fragile thing in the world, cradling her close to my chest.

As I gazed down at Amelia's scrunched-up face, an unexpected emotion washed over me, and I was suddenly —longing for a child of my own. I spent all day with other people’s kids, so I had never made time in my mind to think about children of my own. Not even when I was with Brent.

I tried to remember the last time I had held a baby. It had been more than a decade, at least. The feeling felt so new. There was an entire little life in my arms. Her little rosebud mouth opened in a yawn, and I couldn't help but smile, tears unexpectedly wetting my eyes.

"She's perfect, Amy," I whispered, gently rocking the baby. "Absolutely perfect."

As I held her, I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to have a child of my own with Jake. The thought simultaneously thrilled and terrified me. We had only been together for a short while, but the depth of my feelings for him sometimes caught me off guard.

Jake moved to stand beside me, his arm brushing against mine as he leaned in to get a better look at Amelia. "You're a natural," he murmured, his voice low and tender.

I glanced up at him, my heart skipping a beat at the intensity in his eyes. In that moment, I could see our future stretching out before us— a home filled with love and laughter, and maybe, someday, a baby of our own.

But as quickly as the vision appeared, reality came crashing back in. We were still navigating the early stages of our relationship, and there were so many unknowns ahead of us. I couldn't let myself get carried away by fantasies, no matter how tempting they might be.

Reluctantly, I placed Amelia back in Amy's waiting arms, trying to ignore the pang of longing in my chest as I did so.

The nurse poked her head in the door. "Sorry, to break up the party, but mama and baby need some rest."

We balked no complaints, said our goodbyes, and left. On the drive home, I thought about the little baby and what it would mean to be part of a big, loving family.

I imagined being married to Jake, having our own babies, and my heart felt like it might explode.

But would I ever have that? Or was this as good as it got?



"There's something we need to talk about." I said once we got back to my place from the hospital. Molly tensed up.
