Page 257 of Talk Swoony to Me

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I knew the idea of Alpha Delta Xi having a welcome brunch seemed weird.

A welcome bar crawl? Sure.

A welcome game of touch football? Also plausible.

But a brunch?

Can’t say I knew what to expect when Alex, Ben, and I returned to the Delta Xi house about twenty minutes later than we were supposed to, but it certainly wasn’t this.

“Should have stayed longer last night,” Alex said from the backseat, far more sluggish than he usually is. “You missed out, man.”

Of that I have no doubt, but I couldn’t go back after… well…


Feeling a bit sluggish this morning myself. I spent most of the night wide awake, reliving the night over and over again. Dana’s touch. Her scent. The little noises she made when I put my fingers inside of her. I had to jerk off in the shower this morning just to function properly again. Twice.

However, nothing wakes a man up faster than his house adviser handing him a woman’s nightgown two minutes after meeting him.

“Suit up, boys,” Kenny said with a grin. “The ladies are waiting for ya.”

As far as new recruit hazing goes, it ain’t so bad. Could be worse. And there doesn’t seem to be a pledge among us not willing to show off some skin for the Beta Kappa girls.

The endless line of nightie-clad guys bowing to Dana and Courtney in the last hour proves that much.

Princesses of Delta Xi.

Guess everyone got that memo.

Including Emerson fucking Floyd.

Ms. Jaxx stops me with a casual touch on the arm. “Be a dear and take these empties to the kitchen, would you?” she asks, smiling as she waves at an end table stacked to the edges with empty wineglasses.

“Yes, ma’am,” I say, balancing my tray on one hand. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting this to be that much of a workout, but my biceps are working hard carrying around these trays.

She stands to the side, but she doesn’t leave, her smirk crawling toward her eyes. “You’re Junior’s boy,” she says, not a question.

“Oh, yeah.” I smile politely. “I am. How’d you guess?”

A sultry chuckle, then, “Like father, like son,” is all she mutters as she passes me by.


I escape the sitting room with a stack of glasses on my tray, thankful to get away for a few minutes. Washing dishes is a great way to get people to leave you alone to sort through your thoughts.

Thoughts like Dana coming on my fingers.


I nearly drop a wineglass into the sink, her voice striking me like a flick to the groin. “Dana.” I set the glass down before turning toward her. “Hey.”

“Hey.” She smiles, her eyes going nowhere near my nightie. “How are you?”

“I’m good. Real good. You good?”

Dude, shut up.
