Page 300 of Talk Swoony to Me

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“Because Alex, Connor, and I will kick his ass.” He narrows his eyes. “We have a pact.”

“Wait, you have a pact?”

“Delta Xi touch you, we touch them.” He pauses. “But with like fists and stuff.”

I scoff. “Are you serious?”

“No Delta Xi, Dana. I mean it.” He holds out his hand for my condom. “Actually, you know what, give it back. You’re too young.”

I hold it close. “No.”

“Then, promise me.” Ben holds my eyes, his tone sincere. “No Delta Xi. They’re our brothers, which makes them your brothers, so that’s like incest.”

I snort. “By that logic, you shouldn’t sleep with a Beta Kappa, either.”

He inhales to argue, then stops. “Okay, then. I won’t.”


“There’s always Theta Zeta.” He nods with a smile. “It’s a deal, sister.”

A deal?

Aw, crap. What did I just agree to?

“Wait, was that the cherry-flavored?” Ben sifts through his pile of condoms and offers a different one. “Here, trade me. It’s grape.”

I swap with him. I do like grape. “Why do you care what it tastes like?” I ask, teasing him.

He pauses, only just realizing the implication himself. “It’s the vibe,” he says.

I hum, letting it go.



It takes a lot to pull off the perfect lie.

It’s not enough to simply lie. If you really want people to believe you’re where you say you’re going to be, then sometimes you have to go the extra mile. According to Connor, that is.

Like me accidentally forgetting my overnight bag at home this morning and asking my mother to drop it off at the Beta Kappa house for me. She’ll see me here, surrounded by new friends, and think me safe and sound for the night. In the morning, I’ll return home tired and ever so slightly hungover, and they’ll be none the wiser that I really spent the night only a few blocks down the street.

I don’t feel great about it, truthfully. Sneaking around. Lying to our parents. Midnight mischief was always my brothers’ area of expertise, not mine. I don’t know what they’d do if they knew the truth. How would John Kirby react to his daughter spending the night with his best friend's son?

I’m not about to find out.

But that’s not the thing filling my stomach with butterflies tonight.

I’m going to have sex tonight.

With Connor Morgan.

At least I remembered to shave my legs.

“Dana, where’s your dress?”

I smile at the blonde girl walking up the sidewalk toward the Beta Kappa house. Jessica. Capricorn.
