Page 419 of Talk Swoony to Me

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Isn’t it?

I sit forward on the bed, ready to put my feet on the floor, and march straight to her door. To hell with the employee handbook. I’m the boss and she…

She doesn’t want me.

We nearly kissed in the bathroom before. Laughing and sopping wet; it was like a scene torn right out of a Melanie Rose novel. Inches away from each other. Soft eyes and shallow breaths.

But she pulled away. She doesn’t want me and if she does, she will not risk her job for me. I shouldn’t ask her to.

That’s not what a friend would do.

I lean my back against the headboard again. My cock still throbs, fueled with fantasy. Propping her up on the counter. Spreading her legs. Taking what’s mine…

I sit back, and I start stroking.



let’s go back again . . .

I stand beneath the showerhead. Hot water pours over me, rinsing sweat and body fluids off my skin. I feel raw and used. Stiff and pulled. A cruel, dull ache radiates deep within every part of me and all I can think is...

Let’s do it again, Oli.

I turn off the water and reach out of the shower for my towel. Oliver should be long gone by now, so unfortunately my throbbing nether is just going to make do with a little self-loving if I’m going to get any sleep before morning.

I wrap the towel around me and step out of the shower.

“All cleaned up?”

I flinch at the voice in the doorway. Oliver stands there, naked and waiting.

I furrow my brow, confused. “Yeah,” I answer. “I thought you left,” I add with welcome surprise.

Oliver smiles as he drifts closer, his hard cock leading the way. “I was going to,” he says. “I started getting dressed, but then...” He takes hold of my waist and pulls me against him. “I decided that I’m not done with you yet.”

I glance at his dick. “I can see that, but?—”

He kisses me as he reaches around to cup my wet body.

I laugh. “I’ve already showered, Oli!”

Oliver scoops me up and sets me down on the bathroom counter. He yanks my towel open, exposing my naked body as my legs spread wide for him. “So, you’ll be dirty,” he says, “but happy...”

My laughter turns to moans again as Oliver takes hold of his cock and guides it home.



present day

Do friends masturbate to memories of their friends fucking them on hotel bathroom counters?

Probably not.

But after yesterday, with that almost-kiss in suite 1412 and the way he looked at me in the restaurant and how that motherfucker went down the street to a bookstore just to buy me his favorite book.
