Page 432 of Talk Swoony to Me

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one more time . . .

I shuffle my feet on the carpet as I walk across the suite. I step into my shoes, loudly tapping them to get my feet nice and snug inside. As I grab my belt off the floor, I slap it against my legs before shoving it through my belt loops.

I clear my throat.

I part the curtains to let in the morning sunlight.

I do everything I can think of to accidentally wake her up just so I can see her smile one last time.

Finally, Paige stirs in the bed. She rolls over, getting herself twisted up in the white bedsheet as she looks around... for me.

“Hey,” she whispers as she finds me lingering by the windows.

I smile as I adjust the collar of my jacket. “Hey,” I say, keeping it cool.

She glances around with tired but lucid eyes. “You leaving?” she asks.

“Yeah, I need to get down to the desk soon.”

“Oh, that’s right.” She grins. “You run this joint.”

“Yes, I do.”

“And I...” She sits up with the bedsheet just barely covering the important bits. “I need to shower again.”

I chuckle. “Well, in that case, I could stick around for a little while longer,” I joke. “I’m sure the desk staff can survive without me.”

She hums pleasantly as she bobs her head at the crumbled clothes on the floor. “Would you hand me my phone?” she asks, stifling a yawn.

I scoop it up and walk it over to her, happy to obey. “Are you feeling better now?” I ask.

“About what?”

“You know. What’s-his-face.”

“Oh, right,” she says with a nod. “I got dumped this weekend.”

“Sorry for reminding you.”

“No, it’s okay. I...” She pushes a few wild strands of hair away from her eyes. “Actually, I feel... incredible,” she says.

“Really?” I ask.

“Yes, sir.”


She chuckles. “Yes.”

“Because we could go one more time if you’re not sure.”

“I’m sure.” She extends her hand. “Phone, please.”

I hold it between us, but quickly pull it back as she reaches for it.

“My opinion?” I say. “If you gave that loser half of what you gave me last night... he’s an idiot.”

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