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I shook my head, not quite understanding. She seemed to get why I was confused right away.

“You said I was the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen,” she said. “Has it changed?”

I shook my head, looking back out over the water. “I haven’t seen anything more beautiful in my life.”

I returned my gaze to her then, mostly so she’d know I wasn’t talking about the lake. But she’d get that, I was pretty sure. Those big brown eyes seemed to see straight through the crusty grump everyone took me for to the softy I was inside.

Only the thing was, I’d never been a softy before. Suddenly, I had the urge to sing goofy love songs and buy cheesy greeting cards for her. That was what she was doing to me.

“So, how does this work?” She gestured to indicate the patch of grass she was standing on. “You on top? Me on top? Standing against the tree?” She winced. “That could be rough on my back, though.”

As I stared at her, I felt a mix of shock and arousal. With any other woman, the bluntness would take me out of the moment, but not her. It was all coming across as dirty talk to me, and I liked the idea of dirty talk from this sweet beauty.

“I figure we just take our clothes off and see what happens,” I said.

I reached for the fastening on my jeans and had them kicked off to the side, along with my tennis shoes, before she could object. That left me standing there in my underwear.

The problem was, she hadn’t moved. That pink silky nonsense she wore covered far too much of her gorgeous curves.

“It’s kind of bright out here,” she said. “I’ve never been naked in front of a man. I guess I thought it would be in a dark bedroom when it finally did happen.”

I was pretty good at masking my emotions—had been most of my life—but this news had me practically pulling my jaw up off the ground.

“You’re saying you’re…”

I didn’t finish that sentence. I couldn’t quite bring myself to say the word. What if I was wrong? What if she was simply saying she always did it fully clothed?

“A virgin,” she said. “I hope you don’t have a problem with that because I intend to change that today.”

I looked around. All I had to offer her was the large patch of grass she stood on. A woman like this deserved to be gently settled onto a bed of roses on top of an actual bed, not taken on the ground like an animal.

But beds were boring. This was exciting. She seemed to want an adventure.

No, there was no doubt in my mind that what she really wanted was to rebel. And having sex with a guy who was essentially a groundskeeper at her sister’s wedding was the perfect way to do that.

“I don’t have a condom,” I blurted out.

I also had no way to get one unless she wanted to wait for me to get in my car and drive to the nearest store, which was at the bottom of the mountain a good twenty minutes away. That was forty minutes total, plus time to round up the supply.

“I’m on the pill,” she said. “It’s fine.”

The pill wasn’t foolproof, but I wasn’t going to argue. If this woman got pregnant with my baby, I’d be the happiest man on earth—as long as she was happy about it.

My goal was to make sure she’d be happy about it.

“Can you help with the zipper?” she asked.

She turned around, showing pink from neck to mid-calf. The zipper went all the way down the middle, and it looked like a zipper she could reach. But maybe this was part of foreplay.

“No problem,” I said.

I stepped over to her, hoping I wouldn’t mess this up. That zipper looked cheap as hell, and my fingers were thick, my grip strong. I could very well jam the whole thing up and make it impossible to wear again.

But the zipper miraculously gave way under my gentle tug. It came down too easily, actually—part of it being cheap, I assumed. Things like this were made to be worn once and never again, so why put a bunch of effort into constructing it?

“Thank you,” she said.

I didn’t respond. I was too busy staring at the strip of bra strap visible between the now parted zipper. I could also make out the top of her panties, which were the same shade of pale pink.
