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“Hey, Snowflake. Are you okay? Are you hurt?” My fist clenches at my side as I tremble furiously. I’m ten seconds away from shooting this phone.

“No, I’m okay. She’s just a cunt, and her brutes are dumber than a box of rocks–” Zolina says before getting cut off.

“There’s your proof. I will text this phone with an address, and you will meet me there. I need to speak to you face-to-face before I continue. Deal?” Cecilia asks, her tone laced with boredom.

“If you wanted to speak to me, you could have just fucking called me. You didn’t have to go off and kidnap my wife. Send me the goddamn address.” My teeth grind together almost hard enough to crack a tooth.

I don’t like to play the game, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know how to.

The phone beeps at me as a text message pops up with a time and place. I crack my neck to both sides as a smug smile crawls onto my face.

“See you soon, Cecilia.”


For the last three hours, I have sat behind a desk, searching the web about Cece Connors. From where she was born to the day she disappeared. I have found some interesting things, but I can’t help but worry about my wife.

Hopefully, Cece has kept her own daughter safe, but I won’t have any idea until six tonight. We are supposed to meet by the boat dock…

How cliche.

“Did you find anything useful?” Jacob stands behind me, looking over my shoulder and fidgeting with his nails. I swear this man has a worse habit than smokers do. “I know Harris has been practically chewing his skin. He needs to see a psychologist or something.”

“Jacob. Shut. Up. And yes, I have some enlightening information. Let’s get the group together and talk about this before I stalk off into the night and murder everyone involved,” I order.

Ten minutes later, all of our men are standing around with their hands in their pockets, waiting for me to speak. I continue to pull my hands through my hair, struggling to keep my composure.

“The priority is getting Zolina to safety, but the main target is Cecila Connors," I start. Everyone starts murmuring amongst themselves immediately before I harshly silence them. "We need to get my wife away from her, but I want that bitch alive. I have more questions and need them answered. Do you understand?”

Collective agreement filters through the room at my orders. I don’t know when this turned into a mission from a movie instead of a bunch of hired hitmen who work for the mafia, but whatever. I’m ready to play and end this game.

“Cece has been trying to pay off her debts since she mysteriously ‘died’. I haven’t figured out who she is running from, but it’s someone that even my father didn’t want to know. I found three phone calls with a secret embedded in the voice recordings, explaining where she went and how she pulled everything off. But that's not all. I found bits of other things that raise more questions than answers.”

“Like what type of things?” Harris asks while bouncing his leg.

“Well, whatever or whoever is chasing her is after money, and I’m guessing a lot of it. It has to be the reason she took Zolina. Regardless, I will save my wife and end her mother.”

Chapter 36


Stupid one and Stupid two hover right next to me, their backs towards me and hands by their sides. When I woke up I thought they were statues, but it must have just been a mix of the way they were standing, and whatever drug they pumped me full of.

I try to speak, but my words slur, making me speak nonsense.

The one on the left turns and looks at me over his shoulder before shushing me.

I flop my head to the left and notice there are wooden stairs heading up. I must be in some sort of underground area or something. As I am looking at the rest of the room from the dark area I am in, the door opens and in walks my mother.

“Oh, good. You’re awake. How are you feeling, hun? Oh, ignore that. You probably can't speak yet. I forgot. Anyway, we’re now in a decent location to talk if you would like to… once you're able to, of course,” she tells me before scoffing and rolling her eyes.

“Mmm,” is all I’m able to reply.

She walks further into the room and pulls up a chair I didn’t notice upon first waking up. I stay as still as possible, not to alert anyone that I can move. Hopefully, there will be an opening for me to take advantage of if I bide my time.

"I wonder if your 'husband' has figured out the truth yet. I'm assuming he already tried to track down your father. Unfortunately for him, I know that's a lost cause. And if he tried to find your father, we can also assume he went to see his own father for answers. But sadly, he probably got more questions than anything else from Nikolus."
