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“She is, Nova. She’s dead. I’m so sorry.”

Without saying another word, he pulls me into a tight embrace before leaving the room altogether, letting me process everything once again. I thought the darkness was becoming my friend. But now, I want to be anything but alone.

Secrets and Lies

The hurt in Nova's eyes was almost unbearable. The only thing that kept me going was the fierceness behind the pain. She’s stronger than anyone believes. I want to be the only one who sees her every emotion. I want– no, need– her rage, pleasure, fright, and sadness. She’s the dose of every drug that I could ever want. I want to cut it out of her, suck the life from her, and drink it down as fast as possible. The need to be high on her is more than enough to keep me going until I die.

I need to tell her the details of how Tyr died. I need to tell her that I wasn't just a nurse. I need to tell her everything no one else has ever murmured to her. I also need to see her wiggle and squirm for me, and if I tell her now, the sooner that can happen. If I can be patient, the time will come. Just like she will.

I sigh and pace back and forth through the nurses’ station.

How am I going to tell her all these things? Should I wait until she asks? Would Odin actually keep her here for his own enjoyment? Why did he put me here to watch over her if he had put Mimir on the cameras? What does he truly have planned? What has he already done?

There’s one thing I do know. Odin needs to sit down and answer some of my questions.

I sit down at the desk, throwing my forehead into the palms of my hands before standing up so fast that I feel like the world tilts on its axis. I grab my keys and phone, hoping to find my sanity on the way, I clock out and head to find Mimir.

I tell myself that Nova will be okay while I’m gone, but thankfully, Mimir hooked me up to see the camera app on my phone before the ritual. Therefore, I’m able to watch her every move from wherever I am.

Pulling up the app, I locate Nova and sigh in relief. She’s still in her room, looking at the ceiling and trying to get herself together.

Good. At least she’s thinking about what I said and not off galavanting with Geoffrey. I’m going to break his neck just for touching what’s mine.

"Hey, bro. I didn't think you would come back now that you have your little psycho chick to play with." Mimir laughs as he stands up from his seat.

I get closer to him and grab the front of his shirt in my fist.

"Do NOT talk about Nova that way. Do you understand me?" I ask.

Mimir's brown eyes widen and he nods faster than my anger makes an appearance. His hands engulf my own, trying to pry himself from my grasp.

"I'm sorry, Loki. I didn't think you were actually serious about her. I didn't think that she was capable of-"

"Exactly. You didn't think. Instead of trying to use your one brain cell to imagine what Nova and I are doing, use it to help me." I let go of his shirt only to grab him by the shoulder and turn him back towards his desk. Pulling up my old chair, I sit down and sigh. "I have a problem, and unfortunately, I need your assistance."

"After all that you have helped me through, anything, Loki. Anything at all." Mimir smiles and folds his arms across his chest, waiting for me to tell him everything about what has happened with me and Nova.

So I do.

"Wow." Mimir shakes his head back and forth slowly after I’ve finished. "That's, uh… that’s a lot."

I don't speak. I just sit in the intolerable chair, drumming my fingers on the ankle propped on my knee.

"So, I feel comfortable telling you what I know. I was told in confidence to make sure you didn’t do something stupid, but I guess that cat is out of the bag," Mimir says.

“Okay. Your turn, then. I’m all ears, Mimir.”

“I mean, I do have access to everyone's secrets. That’s why you suggested the name Mimir. Remember?”

Hanging Meat

“Where is he, Mimir? I haven’t seen him all day.” I sigh in irritation. This motherfucker can’t be far. He’s scheduled for work today.

“Loki, did you look in the greenhouse? Or whatever that stupid building is supposed to be. You said that he and Nova basically lived there. Maybe he’s just hiding out or taking a nap,” he suggests. Under his breath, he adds, “I wish I could take a nap at work. Lazy fuck.”

I don’t chuckle like I normally do at Mimir’s antics. Now isn’t the time to play around. This is serious. Geoffrey needs to be killed for what he’s done to Nova. No one but myself can touch that beautiful disaster.

“I’m going,” I murmur into the earpiece. Working for Odin does have its perks. Spy technology doesn’t come easy unless you know where to get it.
