Page 17 of Tame Me

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“I’ve been ready to take that step from the second I saw your daughter, ma’am. My world narrowed to her and I haven’t seen another female since then. All it takes is to see her name on my phone and I’m smilin’ larger than ever before. She brings me a sense of peace and contentment even if we haven’t spent much time together. We have talked and messaged one another on a daily basis. Reagan is the only woman I’ll ever want. So, yes, I’m more than prepared for her to be my ol’ lady and claim her. We’ll go as slow as she needs to go. I don’t give a fuck about that shit. All I know is that she’s mine and I’ll burn down the fuckin’ world for her without hesitation,” I answer her while looking at every member of her family as they take seats around the living room and listen to my answer.

“Okay. As long as you let her set the pace of things, that’s all I can ask. Is there any type of claiming thing she’ll have to do with your club? I know each one is different so I’m just asking. I’ve heard of some clubs who have sex in front of a few members if not more. That’s not something I want my daughter to have to do,” Skylar asks as her face turns beet red and Cage wraps an arm around her while hiding his laughter.

“No, we don’t do anythin’ like that. Just a proclamation at the clubhouse in front of everyone. What happens after that is up to each individual couple. None of us would ever expect the woman we claim as our ol’ lady to have any inch of her exposed skin on display for the other men,” I answer her honestly as her face continues to heat with a blush.

“I just called in an order for the Prospects to pick up,” Savage interrupts our conversation. “They’re gonna grab pizza, pasta, garlic bread, wings, and a few other things. I thought it would be the easiest and quickest way to have dinner with everyone here.”

“Makes sense. How long do we have?” I question him knowing he’ll only have ordered from the best pizza place in town.

We all make our way there at least once a week for a meal. The food is good as fuck and they don’t charge a lot for anything. When we go in there, we have a few booths in the back so we can watch the place and make sure nothing happens. It’s the best option for all of us. We might not be in the protection business for businesses in town, but we sure as fuck protect our own. Nothing happens in Clinton City without us knowing about it and dealing with whatever we have to.

While we wait for our late lunch to arrive, I keep my eyes glued to the door of the bedroom where Reagan is still sleeping. There isn’t a sound from there as I try to pay attention to the conversation going on around me. Cage and Pops put on the TV and watch a game while Reagan’s brothers grill me. Brandon and Kyle are good guys and they want to make sure I’m good enough for their older sister. Personally, I don’t think anyone will ever be good enough for Reagan, but I’m the man who’s gonna fucking step up and do my very best every fucking day she gives me.

For the first time in my life, I want to be the best version of myself that I can be. I don’t want the random fucking hookups or Fallen girls. Reagan will be more than enough for me when we finally take that step and there isn’t a doubt in my mind about it. It’s not just about not fucking around though. I want to better myself in every fucking aspect of my life. Reaper is the same way when it comes to Alex and I know Savage is the same with Zoey. He might not admit that shit to anyone, including himself. But, he’ll continue to work on himself until he feels he’s good enough for the girl he’s loved most of his life.

“Hello?” is called from the bedroom and I’m immediately out of my seat and heading for the bedroom.

“Hey, pixie. Are you okay?” I ask her, moving around the wheelchair to get to her side.

“I’m actually feeling okay. Not too much pain. Is my family still here?” she asks, her voice filled with sleep making her sound even sexier than normal to me.

“Yeah. They’ve seen the gym and are now waitin’ on food to get here. You’re gettin’ up just in time. Do you have to use the bathroom before I put you in the wheelchair?” I question her, carefully pulling the blankets back and removing the pillows from under her leg.

“Yeah. If you can get me in there, I can take care of things on my own,” she says, her cheeks and neck turning red.

“I’ll put you on the toilet and wait outside for you, pixie. I don’t want you standin’ on that leg for any reason. I won’t be in there when you’re goin’ to the bathroom though,” I tell her with laughter in my voice as I look at her.

“Trax,” she begins as I walk to the toilet and then help her sit down.

I stay long enough to ensure she can get her leggings down without needing help before I leave her alone. Remaining just outside the door, I listen for Reagan to call out to me. The second I hear her voice, I open the door again and find her struggling to pull her leggings back up.

“I got you, pixie,” I say, leaning down while keeping my eyes locked on hers as I pull her pants up before lifting her up in my arms again.

We stop long enough for her to wash her hands and splash some water on her face to finish waking up. The pain medicine she’s on knocks her the fuck out and makes her sleep more than anything else. When she’s done, I carefully put her in the wheelchair and push her out to the living room. Yeah, I have to push her out there, because she doesn’t have use of her one arm and won’t be able to do more than turn herself in circles. None of us want to take her independence away, but there’s no way she can move herself around.

The rest of the day is spent with her family. We eat, talk, watch TV, and Skylar starts making us dinner. While she’s preparing the sides and shit, Cage, Joker, Pop, Savage, and I put steaks on the grill. Brandon and Kyle are down in the basement playing pool and we can hear them yelling at one another from the window they opened to let in the fresh air. We all laugh at them because they’re so damn competitive. I’ve honestly never seen two guys more competitive than them and that’s saying something considering the men I’m surrounded with on a daily basis.

Reagan enjoys spending time with her family until she starts yawning and I can see pain filling her eyes. Everyone else sees it too and they give her hugs and kisses before heading to the hotel. Savage goes with them so he can spend a little more time with them. The plan is to have breakfast with them before they leave. We’re going to meet at the diner. I make sure Reagan has her pain medicine and antibiotics before putting the pillows back under her leg and cover her up. As I go to leave the room, Reagan stops me and she asks me to stay with her. I don’t waste any time shedding my clothes before sliding into bed with her. With Reagan in my arms, I fall asleep quicker than ever before.

Chapter Nine


WAKING UP, I realize I’m alone in bed. For the last week, Trax has slept next to me every single night. I can’t sleep in this bed alone because I know that’s when the nightmares will hit. Even with Trax laying next to me, they still come. He wakes up the instant I start having one and pulls me out of it as quickly as he can. After I’m awake, he holds me close and assures me I’m here with him and no one is going to get close to me if he has his way. He’s catered to my every need and want over the last week and is spoiling me rotten. From the second my eyes open until they close each night, Trax is by my side and he doesn’t worry about anything club related so he can stay with me. Reaper doesn’t seem to have a problem with it, so I haven’t let it bother me. At least not yet. Eventually I will because the club is important to him and I know he has to put in his time there and go to church and shit.

This morning, I hear yelling coming from the other room. I’m sure whoever is here with Trax is in the living room, but I can’t be sure because I’m not out there. All I know is I can barely hear what’s being said and it’s grating on my nerves because I’m a nosy bitch. Yeah, I get club business isn’t for my ears, but if this conversation is being held at Trax’ house then I doubt it’s about club business. At least I’m hoping it’s not because that means Trax is in trouble and it’s not going to be good for him if he doesn’t go deal with whatever is going on. I do know that much about club life. Reaper can make his life hell because he’s the President of the club and will exert his power when he needs to.

I hear footsteps coming my way and look up to see Trax coming through the door of our room. He’s pissed as fuck based on the look on his face. His cheeks are red, eyes are in slits, and his breathing is rapid. Trax’ chest is rising and falling with the heavy breaths he’s taking right now. I want to wrap him up in my arms and hold him close until the anger leaves him. However, this is the first time I’m seeing him pissed and I don’t know what he’s gonna do. All I’m sure of is that he won’t hurt me or lash out in any way.

“What’s going on, Trax?” I ask him, trying to push myself up in the bed with one arm.

“Your brother’s here, pixie. We gotta talk to you about somethin’. Are you ready to go in the livin’ room for the day?” he asks, avoiding my question.

“Yeah. I just have to go to the bathroom first. Can you help me in there?”

“Of course.”

Without another word, he uncovers me and pulls the pillows out from under my leg before lifting me in his arms. As usual, he carries me to the toilet and gently sets me down before leaving me alone in the room. I maneuver my shorts down and take care of business before waiting for him to come back in to help me. The only thing I do is flush the toilet because I can do that with one hand. I can’t pull my shorts or pants up with one hand though. Trax always keeps his eyes locked on me when he’s in the bathroom with me and doesn’t try to get a look at anything. It’s the same when he helps me change into a different shirt. Trax even brushes my long hair out and has put it up for me.
