Page 63 of Sharing the Nanny

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“But how?”

“They told me.”

A quick knock preceded the door opening, as Jax and Preston let themselves inside. It couldn’t have been timed any more perfectly if they’d been sitting with their ear to the door, listening from outside.

“Is it dinner time yet?” Jax asked, rubbing his hands together.

“Sure is,” Adrian declared. “Steak’s rested. Grab the knife.”

The men nodded as they passed me, then sprang into action. Preston grabbed a round of beers from the fridge. Jax dragged a finger through the potatoes, got punched in the back by Adrian, then slid a meat fork and knife from the block on the counter and began cutting up the steak.

Two minutes later, we were all seated around the table. That’s when I realized it had been set for four.

“Jennifer’s bringing Emma over with Brayden in a little while,” said Jax, looking at me for the first time since the motel. “If that’s okay.”

I could barely speak. Barely breathe.

“Of course it’s okay.”

He helped himself to some mashed potatoes and passed me the bowl. I took it like a zombie. When we were done passing everything around and serving ourselves, Adrian poured me a glass of wine anyway. This time I did nothing to stop him.

“Here’s to good friends, and good food,” Adrian toasted. He winked at me and added in a quieter voice: “And honesty.”

Three beer bottles clinked together merrily. My wine glass followed more slowly, but it eventually got there. As everyone tilted their head back to drink, I eyed the boys one by one by one…

…and still didn’t have a clue what the hell was going on.

~ 32 ~


The food was delicious, the conversation light. The boys ate and drank and talked about anything and everything except the elephant in the room, which of course was all I could think about.

Finally I finished my wine, set the glass back on the table, and folded my hands in front of me.

“So you’re not mad?” I asked Adrian, loud enough to cease all other conversation.

Jax and Preston looked at him for a moment, then all eyes drifted to me.

“Mad?” Adrian repeated. “Hell no. I’m happy, actually. You know how long I’ve been trying to get you to like Jax? Much less actually sleep with him.”

He was smiling now. So were the others.


“None of us are mad, Harper,” Adrian went on. “And we’re sorry if we overwhelmed you. It’s not like we planned this. We all just kind of got into you at the same time.”

“Some of us at the same time, time too,” Jax winked.

I couldn’t believe it. The three of them not only knew, they were somehow okay with it. I didn’t know whether to be flattered or angry or—

“Anyway,” Adrian went on, “we sat down together and talked it out. We’re all really into you, Harper. Even Jax, although the asshole won’t easily admit it.”

Jax grumbled and drained the rest of his beer without saying a word. I expected no less.

“How can you all be into me?” I asked incredulously. “I mean, after, you know…”

“How can you be into all three of us?” Preston challenged.
