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By the time I return back to my body, I am spent. And Aidan is rising to his feet, his eyes hungry as he places one last lick in the wet valley between my thighs.

He stands, straightening, his cocoa eyes almost black as he unfastens his slacks and lets the heavy fabric fall to the floor.

Unhooking his boxer briefs from his powerful thighs, he unleashes his perfect cock, allowing its smooth and swollen length to jut towards the sky.

"That's my girl," he rasps, slipping his hand into one of the drawers to retrieve a condom. He presses it on before reaching over to grip my thighs. "Are you ready for me?"

I nod, eager to feel him until the phone rings, interrupting us.

Aidan groans, his shoulders slumping as he reaches for the cell in his fallen slacks. He snorts, looking at the screen before turning it towards me.

Jessie's name flashes against the dark glass.

"You were saved by the bell, sweetheart," he rumbles.

"More like tortured by it," I reply, smiling and shifting to sit up on the marble surface as he answers.

Aidan chuckles. "Hi princess," he greets, already aware of who's on the line.

The sound of his seven-year-old daughter's muffled voice fills the room and my heart.

A wave of warmth washes over me as I listen to Aidan talking with his daughter. It's moments like these that remind me how lucky I am to have them both in my life.

As he wraps up the call, Aidan turns to me with a grin. "She says we're late. She and Jessie are already downstairs."

I laugh, imagining us being scolded by a seven-year-old. "Then we'd better hurry. Nobody makes princesses wait."

He reaches for me, standing between my widened thighs. "Which is why I plan on finishing this in the limo."

"The limo?"

"Yes. I booked separate ones for Jessie and Grace since they're joining us at the trash panda event."

I laugh. "Raccoons are not trash pandas, Aidan. But I admit: You really know how to spoil a girl, don't you?"

"That's the plan, baby." He kisses my forehead and then my lips. "For the rest of our lives."

"Or at least until Christmas when our parents overwhelm us with their demands."

"Whichever comes first." He smiles, pulling me up from the counter and adjusting my dress.

We navigate through the hotel suite in a kind of chaotic ballet, me trying not to trip over my own feet while Aidan tries to wear his coat and hold onto me. "You know," I say, "our Christmas is starting to feel like one of those holiday movies where everything that can go wrong, does."

Aidan snorts, holding the door open for me. "Oh, absolutely. I'm fully expecting Harold the turtle in our Christmas tree, or maybe your mom deciding to make sancocho in the living room. Just like your birthday party."

"I wouldn't put it past her. But at least it'll be our disaster. Together."

He whispers, "Together. Through thick and thin, sancocho and trash pandas."

I elbow him gently. "Don't jinx it. If I find a bowl of it in my stocking, I'm blaming you."

Aidan chuckles, the sound warm and contagious, as we step into the hallway. "Every fairytale needs a little spice."

"Not the beef stew kind of spice, Romeo." I shake my head, smiling.

"I told you. I prefer the title of 'Beast' to your 'Beauty'. Now, let's get to our 'chariot' before I show you some real holiday magic right here."

"Is that a promise?" I laugh, heart full and light.

"You'll just have to wait and see."

Aidan winks, pressing the elevator button. He wraps an arm around me as the doors slide open, and we head downstairs, ready to step into the December Chicago streets and into our own little holiday fairytale.

