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Once a day and once a week; those are the times you need to win.

It’s a mantra Atty used to tell me when times were bad, and it’s one I cling to now that my head is more messed up than ever.

Once a day for my pills.

Once a week for my hormones.

Those are the only wins I need to survive.

Chapter 5


“You know you have your own room, right? It’s like a floor below here with fourteen underclassmen who probably need help tying their shoes.”

The sun set nearly an hour ago, and with most of the kids on my floor trickling in, my door has been propped open, and I’ve kept an ear listening out for Shiloh.

Rascal, on the other hand, made himself right at home and plopped on the bottom bunk of my bed like it’s his own.

“I can’t believe you gave up your solo room with your full sized bed for this wooden monstrosity.”

I roll my eyes and toss a crumpled up piece of paper over my shoulder. When Rascal squeaks and smacks it away, I grin.

“It was the easiest option the head office gave me.”

They also told me I have to take Shiloh first thing in the morning for a drug test, and the fact that he isn’t here yet is making me twitchy. Control over the little things is how I made it through years in the foster system, and it’s a habit that’s got its teeth firmly dug into me.

“You gonna fuck him?”

Shutting the lid of my laptop, I swivel my chair to see Rascal fully. He’s on his stomach with my pillow tucked under his cheek and his copper hair rumpled and wild as always.

“Is that any of your business, little doe?”

His cheeks redden, and he rubs his eyes into the pillow on a groan.

“Unless you’re going to fuck me, you don’t get to call me that.”

“Do you want to be fucked or spanked, because one of the two can probably be arranged.”

Rascal pushes up onto his knees and tosses the pillow at me, which I catch with ease. I chuckle as he scrambles out of the bed, grumbling under his breath.

“You said you wouldn’t have time to play.”

I peer towards the doorway as a shadow joins it, and I don’t even need to see his face to know who it is, though the scowl is unmistakable.

“That is probably still true,” I say softly, giving Rascal a pointed tilt of my head to motion for him to go.

Rascal’s smile is gentle, and instead of pushing the boundaries, he throws us both a little wave and squeezes around Shiloh in the doorway.

He doesn’t come in at first, looking around the room like he’s taking in a prison cell, and by what I’ve been told about his reaction, it might be exactly that.

“Do you joke with all your friends about spanking them?” Shiloh finally steps through the threshold and sets his bag down in the corner.

“Only the ones who like it.” I’m not shy about the things I’m interested in. I don’t go flaunting it and announcing them to everybody, but I’m not embarrassed to admit to it.

“Don’t let me stop you.” His gaze stutters around the bunk. “Which one is mine?”

I motion to the top. “I’ve heard that’s your preferred position.”

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