Page 15 of Touch In The Dark

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As soon as Sidney mentioned that River Stevenson wanted to meet with me, my heart plummeted from my chest to my gut. The memory of last night’s kiss still lingered in my mind, causing a flood of mixed emotions. I didn’t know if I could face him again, especially in a professional setting. My job was on the line and I couldn’t let my personal feelings get in the way.

I fussed over myself, smoothing out any wrinkles and making sure every strand of hair was in place. Why did I feel the need to impress him? He had already accepted me as his attorney.

After spending what felt like an eternity in the ladies’ restroom, I finally emerged feeling confident in my appearance. I wished I had worn my frumpy gray suit instead of the curve-hugging blue one… but then again; it did accentuate all the right places.

As I made my way to my office, Sidney stopped me. “Mr. Stevenson will be here in five minutes. Where were you?”

If only he knew. “Even I have to go to the bathroom every once in a while,” I replied with a hint of sarcasm.

“Well, grab your file on Triage and head to the conference room.”

I could tell by Sidney’s tone that he was not pleased with me. But how was I supposed to prepare for a meeting that I only found out about 30 minutes ago? As much as I wanted to snap back at him, he was still my boss and I needed to keep my cool if I wanted any chance of advancing in this firm and getting my name on the wall.

With a determined stride, I made my way to the conference room, my mind consumed by one thought—how would I react when I saw River again? Could I maintain professionalism in his presence? As I approached the glass enclosure, I caught a glimpse of him sitting at the head of the table. Of course, he would be in that position, exuding power and dominance with every move. He was a force to be reckoned with, and just the sight of him sent shivers down my spine.

I consciously straightened my posture before entering the room, not wanting to appear weak or intimidated. But as soon as his piercing gaze locked onto me, his expression was priceless. Oh yes, I had certainly made an impression on him.

“Hello, Mr. Stevenson,” I greeted him with what I hoped was a professional smile. “How are you this morning?”

He simply chuckled in response. “Come on, Harper. We’re past formalities at this point,” he said coyly, crossing his leg over the other. “Please, take a seat.”

It was usually my job to offer clients a seat, but today it seemed like he was in control of everything. And sitting where he had gestured—on his lap—was definitely not an option.

“I think it’s best if I sit here,” I replied through gritted teeth, forcing another smile as I took a seat in one of the side chairs. “So, River,” I emphasized his name, trying to assert some level of authority. “What can I do for you?”

“All I’ve been able to think about is you,” he stated boldly. “I’d like to ask you out to dinner again.”

My heart leaped at the idea, but my practical side quickly shut it down. “I don’t think that would be a good idea,” I blurted out before thinking. “I can’t afford to lose my job.”

He leaned in closer, his hand casually resting on my knee. “Oh, Ms. Scott,” he purred, sending shivers down my spine once again. “You don’t have to worry about that. If Sidney fires you, he’ll be losing my account as well. And trust me, he can’t afford to.” His confident smirk told me everything I needed to know—he had complete control over this situation and he knew it.

My heart raced as I considered his proposal. Would he really pull his account just to have dinner with me? The thought of dinner with him sent me into a spiral of both excitement and anxiety. I couldn’t deny the thrill of it all, but then reality set in. “Even if that were true, I still don’t think it’s a good idea,” I said, trying to ground myself in reason.

“Let me worry about Sidney,” he countered smoothly. “Have dinner with me. I won’t take no for an answer.”

I hesitated, knowing that Sidney would not approve of me fraternizing with clients. But against my better judgment, I finally agreed on one condition: “I will meet you. But under no circumstances will you send a car for me.”

“Deal,” he grinned, and I couldn’t resist returning the smile.

Before I could leave the conference room, he took hold of my arm and pulled me closer. “I have one condition of my own.”

My heart skipped a beat at his touch. “Okay,” I drew out, hopeful yet apprehensive.

“I want you to wear a dress,” he declared boldly. “Short.”

I knew trouble was brewing, but deep down, I also knew I had the perfect dress for the occasion. “Deal,” I acquiesced with a playful glint in my eyes.


The rest of the day felt like an eternity as I anxiously waited for our dinner date. My mind could not focus on anything else but River’s enticing offer. Even though he assured me he would handle any repercussions from Sidney, I couldn’t shake off the nagging feeling that it wouldn’t be enough. If Sidney found out about our plans, I would surely lose my job—one that I had worked so hard for.

Desperate to distract myself, I picked up the file on Triage and flipped through its pages absentmindedly. But my thoughts kept drifting back to River and our impending dinner. Without hesitation, I grabbed the receiver and dialed his number, heart fluttering in my chest.

But to my disappointment, I was greeted by his voicemail. Swallowing nervously, I cleared my throat and spoke confidently. “River, it’s Harper,” I began. “I’m sorry, but I have to cancel our dinner date tonight. Something came up.” It was a blatant lie, but I needed an excuse that left room for interpretation. Who knew what could come up in the next few hours?
