Page 49 of Keep Me Daddy

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Before Benji could get any colder, he got into the large SUV with Harrison and the others. It was time to explain exactly what had been going on and then see what Daddy had come up with as a plan for sorting the whole mess out…

‘I cannot fucking believe it,’ Harrison said, his voice full of genuine anger at Tucker’s mistreatment of Benji. ‘I knew he was controlling and manipulative, but this is something else.’

‘It’s worse than we thought,’ Zane said, a concerned look on his face. ‘But that doesn’t mean we can’t still put this asshole in his place.’

‘Agreed,’ Harrison said, putting his arm around Benji and bringing him in close. ‘Tell me, boy – where were you filming first up today?’

Benji had just about stopped shivering, but was still finding it hard to speak due to the sheer adrenalin rush of seeing his Daddy again.

‘It’s okay, breathe,’ Harrison said, gently rubbing Benji’s chest. ‘Take your time. But also make sure to say exactly what you were scheduled to be doing. It could help us with our plan.’

‘Y-y-y-yes, Daddy,’ Benji whimpered, attempting to compose himself as best as he possibly could.

‘Here, have some of this juice box,’ Lars said, handing Benji a multi-colored juice box. ‘I brought it especially for you. I finished my one less than ten minutes into the journey here!’

Lars laughed and this helped to take some intensity out of the moment. Benji even giggled a little bit too. Then, after taking a sip on his juice, Benji began to explain what was in store for him that day.

‘First, I’m meant to meet at the recording studio,’ Benji said. ‘Then I think I have a recording session in the park. Like an early morning thing. I’m meant to be wearing hotpants and offering free donuts to strangers. It sounds tacky and horrible. I really don’t want to do it…’

Even talking about it was making Benji feel upset.

And this didn’t go unnoticed by Harrison.

‘Don’t worry, you’ll be doing no such thing,’ Harrison said, his voice brimming with determination and certainty. ‘This will all have been sorted by then. Okay, here’s what I suggest. We drive you directly to the park. You can message Tucker and say you’ll meet him there instead of the studio. Then, simply wait for me to make my move.’

‘What are you going to do, Daddy?’ Benji said.

‘It’s better if you simply focus on yourself,’ Harrison replied, a firm tone in his voice. ‘I don’t want Tucker getting suspicious. It’s time that this utter creep gets his just desserts. The last thing we want is for him to get suspicious and then run away like the cowardly bully he is.’

With that, the Zane’s personal driver put the car into gear and the gang headed toward the park.

Benji didn’t know how the situation would play out, but he did know that he had a Daddy who loved and cared for him. Harrison was determined to make everything right - and even if they weren’t able to beat Tucker, Benji knew that at least he had a Daddy who cared for him.

Chapter 22


The park was quiet. Eerily so. It may have been the cold weather, the time of day, or just one of those things – but there weren’t many people around at all.

The trees looked beautiful in their autumnal coloring, and with the time-sensitive park lights still on from overnight, there was a dramatic feel to the place.

Harrison was hunkered down as inconspicuously as he could manage. Sitting on a park bench with his heavy-duty overcoat keeping him warm, Harrison’s back was to Benji.

But that didn’t mean that Harrison couldn’t hear exactly what was being spoken just a few feet away from him…

‘Kid, I’ve been thinking,’ Tucker said, a cruelly controlling tone in his voice as he spoke. ‘If you really impress me. And I mean, really go the extra yard, then I might give you a raise of… say… ten bucks.’

The fucking asshole.

How dare he treat my boy like this.

But I have to wait… sit quiet until the perfect moment…

Harrison felt his anger building as Tucker continued to taunt and tease Benji. It was a total abuse of power, one so severe that Harrison could barely believe it.

In that moment, Harrison felt such a strong empathetic connection to Benji that he wanted nothing more than to stand up and crush Tucker with his bare hands.

But Harrison wasn’t just waiting for the right moment, he was waiting for a message from Lars and Zane to come through. Upon hearing about the way Tucker had taken control of Benji’s finances, they had all decided that something else would need to be done.
