Page 52 of Keep Me Daddy

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But as much as Benji would have liked to let Harrison ravage him and show him exactly what he had been missing over these last few days, Benji did actually have something else planned…

‘You booked us a table where?’ Harrison said, momentarily taken aback.

‘La Zizou,’ Benji giggled, knowing exactly how shocking that must have sounded given that La Zizou was arguably the most in demand restaurant in the whole city, and had been for many years.

‘But how did you get us a table?’ Harrison said, in such a state of shock that he actually stopped dead in the middle of the sidewalk.

‘Not telling!’ Benji laughed, squealing with delight as he saw the puzzled look on Harrison’s handsome face. ‘But all will be revealed!’

‘Grrrr. You’re close to a spanking, boy!’ Harrison said, his frustration at not knowing exactly what was going on getting to him. ‘But… I’ll allow this to play out.’

The truth was that Benji had needed to call on some special help to get the table at La Zizou. And that special help came in the shape of Harrison’s literary agent Chris King.

Although he knew it was very naughty, Benji had been reading Harrison’s new manuscript and loving every single word. Benji maybe wasn’t an expert when it came to matters of literary fiction, but he knew a good book when he was reading it – and Harrison’s definitely fit that bill.

So just before leaving to go back to the city, Benji had emailed the manuscript over to Chris. Benji knew that usually Harrison wouldn’t send work out before it was one hundred percent ready, but Benji truly felt like this was so special that Chris just had to see it. Harrison may have sent the odd chapter draft or idea to Chris, but nothing like an unfinished manuscript.

Daddy would go nuts if he knew.

Super-serious spanking kinda nuts.

Gulp! He might just be about to find out too…

As the pair of them enter La Zizou, Benji decided that he would keep the truth about sending the manuscript under his hat for as long as possible. After all, they had only just made up and were both feeling so happy. Why risk that over something that might not come to anything?

‘Wowzers, this place is… fancy!’ Benji said, his eyes wide open as he took in the plush interior of La Zizou. ‘I don’t think I’ve seen anything as elegant as this outside of a movie!’

‘Yeah, it’s pretty damn incredible,’ Harrison said. ‘But honestly, I’d be happy anywhere if you were by my side, kid.’

Benji felt all warm and fuzzy.

To hear Harrison speak to him like that was something that Benji would never, ever tire of. What Benji had realized very early in his time with Harrison was that he had the kind of protective, firm aura that a true Daddy should – but as well as that, Harrison was more than capable of being a big softy too.

‘But… love and romance to one side, I for one am ready to introduce you to the delights of the La Zizou menu,’ Harrison said, pulling a chair out for Benji to sit on.

Benji smiled.

‘Thank you, Daddy,’ Benji said, a sneaky grin on his face. ‘You might want to turn around…’

With that, a confused looking Harrison turned around and was faced with the sight of a positively ecstatic Chris King.

‘Harrison Hawk… what a shock to see you here!’ Chris said, his over-the-top delivery making it perfectly clear that the whole thing had been planned.

‘What… is… going… on?’ Harrison said, bemused. ‘Is this down to you, boy?’

‘I think it’s best that Chris explains,’ Benji giggled.

‘Yes, I think that’s best,’ Chris said, a huge smile on his face. ‘Your special boy sent me something. And that certain something has just been sold for a huge advance!’

‘Wait… not…you didn’t… but it wasn’t ready…’ Harrison said, the look on his face a mixture of joy, confusion and even a little bit of frustration. ‘I don’t know whether to kiss you or paddle you!’

‘I’d suggest both!’ Chris laughed, taking a seat at the table and then explaining how Harrison’s manuscript had been the subject of a five-way tug of war between the major publishing houses in New York. ‘Harrison Hawk, you are well and truly back. Not that you ever went away, my friend. I always knew you’d produce another masterpiece. And this one could well be your best yet.’

‘Chris, thank you,’ Harrison said. ‘Thank you for sticking with me over the years. It can’t have been easy.’

‘Harrison, we’re friends. Daddies stick together, you know that,’ Chris replied, eagerly picking up the menu and scanning it for his favorite dishes. ‘I think you absolutely need to stick with Benji. He brings out the best in you. Creatively and as a person. This boy’s one of a kind.’

‘He certainly is,’ Harrison said, putting his hand on Benji’s knee and giving it a friendly squeeze. ‘I’ve learned a lot from you, boy. And I want to keep on learning. Together. How does that sound?’

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