Page 57 of Keep Me Daddy

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‘And I love you, boy. Now, how about we make breakfast… together?’

This was music to Benji’s ears. He was feeling extra-inspired and with Harrison as his sous-chef, Benji was ready to prepare a royal breakfast fit for a King Daddy and his Perfect Prince.


Benji was in the kitchen at home when Harrison burst out of his study with a huge smile on his face. The fact that Harrison was looking so happy wasn’t unusual in itself but there seemed to be something extra going on with him – and Benji wanted to know exactly what that was…

‘Daddy! You know I’m busy working on perfecting this new protein nut bar recipe,’ Benji said, brattily stomping his foot. ‘This better be important!’

‘Watch the sass, boy,’ Harrison said, clearly not impressed by Benji’s foot-stomping. ‘But, yes, it is important. Well… if you consider Netflix buying the adaptation rights to my new novel important…’

Benji couldn’t quite believe it.

This was huge news!

‘Daddy! That’s incredible!’ Benji squealed, jumping up and down and sending splashes of sticky toffee spread flying across the kitchen as his wooden spoon shook in the air. ‘I’m so happy for you!’

‘It couldn’t have happened without you,’ Harrison said, walking over and planting a big kiss on Benji’s forehead. ‘We’re a team. When one of us wins, we both do. That’s how we do it. So… how about a trip to the city this weekend to celebrate? The Cuddle Corner is having a big Friday night party.’

‘Yay! And can Lars come too?’

‘Hmm. Funny, I was going to see if Zane wanted to come as well,’ Harrison said. ‘But listen to me boy – no interfering! If they’re going to get together, it has to be on their terms. No playing cupid, got it?’

‘Yes, I understand,’ Benji said, grinning mischievously.

‘Oh yes, I spoke to my buddy Striker and his Little Regan is DJing at the club this weekend too apparently.’

‘Silly Daddy, Regan always DJs on a Friday!’

‘Grrrr, what did I say about that sass?’ Harrison said, firmly squeezing Benji’s butt in his huge hands. ‘I’ll book us a hotel. But first I need to call Chris to talk some more about this Netflix thing. Oh and I’ve just received a message from my friend, Michael. He wants to talk to me about a business investment he’s got lined up.’

‘Oh?’ Benji replied. ‘But doesn’t he normally decide all that stuff himself?’

‘He does,’ Harrison said. ‘But this time it’s a bit more complex. There’s a boy involved…’

‘Oooh! Michael with a Little! I love it!’ Benji squealed. ‘Then all three of you Ivy League Daddies would have Littles in your lives!;

‘We sure would,’ Harrison replied. ‘But with Michael, it’s never that straight forward…’

With that, Harrison smiled and walked out of the kitchen and back into his study. Benji felt so proud to be Harrison’s Little. Having a successful Daddy was one thing, but Harrison always made sure that he shared his success with Benji. The same was true the other way around too, of course.

Benji was still buzzing with excitement from the news that he had secured a three-book deal with the help of Chris. Now it was simply a question of keeping up the hard work and working on making the tastiest, most wholesome recipes the world had ever known.

The last six months had gone by in a flash.

Living with Harrison upstate was everything that Benji thought it would be. They worked hard in the day, had fun at night, and were both understanding of each other’s commitment and passion for their talents.

Harrison had even allowed Benji a free rein to redesign the kitchen.

Benji had called upon his interior designer friend Sammy to help with the design and now couldn’t have been happier with his kitchen workspace. It took some convincing to persuade Harrison that a Little-themed kitchen was indeed the way to go, but as soon as Harrison had sampled the first batch of cookies from the new kitchen, he suddenly forgot all about his concerns.

The truth was that although it had been a huge risk to take up Harrison’s offer that first night they met, Benji knew that it had absolutely been a risk worth taking.

In fact, it wasn’t even a close-run thing.

Benji and Harrison had always been destined for one another – and no amount of toxic interference from the likes of Tucker or Dean Hoffman was ever going to stop them, even if it felt a little dicey at certain points in time.

Harrison is everything a Little could want.

No, even better… he’s everything that I could ever want.

As far as Benji could see, the perfect Forever Relationship was just like a great recipe. The ingredients had to be there, the timing too, and most of all the combination of flavors had to be just right.
