Page 106 of Just Friends for Now

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‘I’m going now. Bye.’ Paige quickly disconnected, knowing that when Melanie and Sophie got started they would keep going for a long time.

She put down her iPad on the coffee table and walked towards Melanie in the kitchen area.

‘What you making for dinner?’ Paige asked.

‘Oh ha ha. Are you ever going to let that go?’ Melanie asked.

‘Nope. Because it was the best Greek food followed by one of the best evenings of my life. I’m going to be reminding you all the time.’

‘You don’t need to remind me. Happy anniversary, Paige,’ Melanie said wrapping her arms around Paige’s neck. ‘I got you a present.’

‘We said no presents, but I have one for you too. Happy anniversary, baby.’

Their lips met, and Paige quickly felt to make sure the ring box was still in her back pocket. She’d wanted to do this two years ago, but knew she had to wait for the right time. Two years in and she couldn’t wait any longer. She’d even had a consultation from Connie, who confirmed it was an excellent idea. Yes, Connie of the now six husbands, but still.

Melanie pulled away first. ‘I want to give you the present now because, well because, honestly I’m a bag of nerves and I . . .’ Paige watched as Melanie dove for her rucksack. Paige grinned while Melanie’s back was turned and dropped to one knee, ring box outstretched. It may not have been the most romantic spot, but for them it was perfect. Melanie was home to Paige, she was love, she was sexy, she was everything and it was here that she felt it the most. Not in some fancy restaurant, or some big fundraising event. Their love was theirs and it was real and it was honest and it was this. Paige took a big deep breath and willed her hands not to shake.

Melanie was still rummaging about in her bag as she spoke. ‘I know this might seem, no, wait, this might not be the most romantic place, or setting, or, no, wait. I’m not doing this right.’

‘You’re rambling,’ Paige said with a patient smile.

‘I just. I know this is right, Paige, and I—’ Melanie spun around, a ring box in hand. She burst into tears as she spotted Paige, and dropped to the floor on one knee too.

‘Are we both really doing this?’ Melanie said, tears continuing to fall.

‘Melanie, you are everything to me. Everything I never thought I needed, everything I never thought was for me. You are my home. Wherever you are I want to be next to you. I will happily do all the cooking. I’ll do everything, no, wait, I’ll do anything you ask and support you in any way you need. Will you please marry me?’ It was only when she finished talking did the lump in her throat become released and her own eyes watered. But then she was gifted with a Melanie megawatt smile.

‘You stole all my lines. Not to mention that I couldn’t even add “buy a ring” to my to-do list. How can I say anything as lovely as that? Paige, I just want you now and forever. Please marry me because I would love nothing more than to marry you.’

They fell into each other’s arms, rings temporarily forgotten as they smiled, laughed, cried and kissed to their future.

Melanie suddenly pulled away. ‘Wait, did you know I was going to do this?’ Melanie asked.

‘No, not at all. Honest.’ Paige wiped away her tears. ‘But I’m really happy you did.’

‘Me too, Paige. I love you.’

‘I love you too.’ Paige held Melanie as close as she possibly could.

‘I can’t wait to set up the to-do list for our wedding,’ Melanie whispered into her ear.

‘Now that I did know,’ Paige said before they kissed again.


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