Page 85 of Imperfect Cadence

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As I crossed the threshold into my room, I stopped dead in my tracks, my breath catching at the sight before me. Colt lay sprawled out on the bed we once shared, flushed and naked, slowly stroking himself while fixing me with a predatory gaze. He looked like he wanted to eat me alive, and I craved nothing more.

I wished I could freeze time right here. All my problems seemed insignificant with Colt here beside me again.

With the cautious steps I’d become accustomed to, I approached the bed, taking my time to admire Colt’s stunning form. I noted the subtle changes in his physique, the way his smooth boyish muscles had hardened into sharper edges, his torso more defined. He still lacked body hair, though the light shadow on his jaw suggested that was a cosmetic choice. As Colt angled himself toward me, a glint of light caught my eye.

Holy shit.

Both of Colt’s dusky pink nipples were adorned with diamond studs, and I couldn’t help but groan at the sight. My mouth watered with anticipation, already imagining the sensation of tugging on one of the barbells with my teeth.

Colt must have noticed where my attention had drifted because he moved his free hand that wasn’t fisting his shaft to lazily trail a finger up his chest, circling his right nipple. He gasped and began to writhe on top of the dark blue covers, putting on a show for me, my own private performance.

“Get your ass over here,” Colt demanded, voice husky with desire.

I took in Colt’s appearance once more, drinking him in from head to toe. I wanted nothing more than to race over and cover his body with mine. But suddenly, I was acutely aware of how the years had changed us. Him, for the better.

It was surreal to think that Colt was adored by millions, but it was easy to see why. He looked better than ever. Not only did he appear so flawless he could have been crafted by AI, he exuded a confidence in himself that hadn’t existed when I knew him.

What would Colt think when he saw me, though? The last time we’d been intimate, we were deeply in love, and looks were the furthest thing from our minds. Even so, in my football days, my abs were solid enough to have been carved from marble, thanks to rigorous training sessions and a killer metabolism. Since high school, my workout routine had fallen by the wayside, and while my previously physically demanding job had kept my muscles a decent size, my love of sweets had contributed to a nice cushion over those muscles. And now, after weeks of inactivity and the added sexiness of a leg brace and a body riddled with scars, I barely recognized the figure reflected back at me in the mirror.

The thought of getting naked with Colt brought all those budding insecurities to the surface. How would I measure up in his eyes? After all, Colt could literally be fucking supermodels if he wanted to.

But here he was, seemingly wanting me right now. And despite the complexities of our relationship, there would never be a time when I could deny Colt. Whatever he wanted, I would try to give him.

With hesitant hands, I removed my shirt, fighting the urge to shield my stomach with my arms. Colt’s appreciative groan helped bolster my confidence, pushing me to continue undressing. The task of removing my shorts proved a little more difficult, my balance still unsteady on my bad leg. I was grateful that I hadn’t bothered to put on boxers after my shower.

Next came the most embarrassing part. There was absolutely no sexy way for me to get on the bed, especially buck ass naked, save for a leg brace, with a flagging hard on. Bending my leg still proved difficult, so I gingerly lowered myself to a sitting position and then swung my legs up with slow, controlled movements. I purposely faced away from Colt to spare him the sight of my flaming red cheeks.

As soon as my ass hit the mattress and a hiss of pain escaped me, Colt’s hands grasped my shoulders, and I felt the warmth of his body pressed against my back. The gentleness of his touch surprised me; the urgency from earlier gone. Softly, he rested his lips on the side of my neck in an almost-kiss.

“Lay down and let me take care of you,” he whispered, his breath tickling the shell of my ear and sending a shudder down my spine.

Colt used his hands to guide me into the position he wanted, reclined against the solid wood headboard and propped on a pile of pillows he must have placed there beforehand, already anticipating my physical limitations.

I sank back onto my elbows, releasing a breath as I watched Colt position himself between my spread thighs. “You look so fucking hot like this,” he breathed into my ear, his words bringing my erection back to life. “How do you look even better than I remember?”

My arms engulfed his slight frame as I traced my hands up the knobs of his spine, recalling exactly what got him going. He loved to be caressed like he was a precious treasure, and he shivered under my touch. He flashed me a shy smile, looking up at me through his obnoxiously long lashes. My hand moved higher, threading my fingers through his shoulder-length strands, using his hair as an anchor to pull his face closer to mine. Colt exhaled softly against my lips before capturing them with his own.

This kiss felt too gentle, too intimate for the moment. If I didn’t know any better, I would say that Colt was trying to communicate with me like we used to. Since I used touch to express my affection for others and Colt struggled to verbalize his feelings, we once used the dance of our bodies to say the most important things.

Right now, it felt like Colt was telling me was sorry. His kisses spoke of regret and love.

I knew I must be misreading his signals, but on the off chance I wasn’t, I poured everything I wished I could have said to him over the years into the soft swipes of my tongue against his. All of my own regret, loss, and sadness. My love for him that never wavered, even when my misplaced anger boiled over.

We kissed for what felt like hours, though in reality, it probably lasted no more than ten minutes. Eventually, his fingers began to explore, and I flinched when they reached the softness around my middle.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, pulling away to search my face. “Did I hurt your leg?”

I averted my eyes, focusing on a patch of chipped paint on the wall behind him. “It’s not that. It’s just… I don’t. I mean, I don’t look like—”

My rambling cut off as I found myself pushed flat on the mattress, a determined Colt plastering his petite body to mine. With a growl in the back of his throat, he attacked my neck with kisses, his lust evident with every touch. Then, deliberately, he made a show of kissing my stomach before rubbing his very hard cock over it to emphasize his point.

“If you can’t see how fucking sexy you are right now, it will be my pleasure to show you.”

Seizing my face between his palms, he kissed me ferociously, his lips demanding and insistent. My insecurities didn’t exactly disappear, but I also couldn’t deny that Colt seemed to enjoy the extra curves he had access to grab onto. He held my hips firmly, using them as leverage to grind up against me. I surrendered to the kiss, forcing my brain to focus on the sensations alone. After all, who knew if I’d ever feel Colt laying on top of me again.

At some point, without breaking our connection, I reached across to fumble out the lube from my bedside drawer. Squeezing a generous amount of gel onto my fingers, I made sure to warm it up before reaching down to circle Colt’s exposed entrance.

He whimpered into my mouth as I slowly breached his tight ring of muscle, inching my finger inside until I was all the way to the knuckle. I moaned at the sensation of his wet heat and felt his internal muscles clamp down on the intrusion. He was so damn tight; I wondered how I’d ever managed to fit my cock in there.
