Page 144 of Survival is Hard

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“I do know it’s hard for you,” I say softly.

“But you don’t care!” he roars.

I don’t flinch, I don’t move away. I know he won’t hurt me.

Cevon starts to rant, but I tune it out. It’s just him whining about how his life is terrible, how he can’t go back, and since we’re bonded, I’m stuck here with him.

The call went well, or, at least, the reunion did. Atticus looked absolutely fine, no evidence of his fight with the hunters. Voss reassured me that David wasn’t upset, since Atticus was too busy seething to do so, and that he promised David I’d call once I was home.

I’m not fully sure how they left the pack, or on what kind of terms, but Atticus wasn’t in a sharing mood. Apparently, it’s pride business, and he glared at his brother whilst saying it.

It’s weird, and I won’t admit to it, but it’s kind of hot seeing him acting this surly.

“Are you even listening to me?” Cevon whines. Here’s another hottie in the pouting club. I love their attitude, the way they’re both bitching and acting.

I don’t know why it turns me on.

Cevon inhales before shaking his head. “You seem tired. Take a nap, and we can talk about this later.”

“I’m not tired—” I start, but he storms over to me, throws me over his shoulder in a move I’m sick of him doing, and storms down the hall to his bedroom.

My stomach hurts from being pressed into him, but it doesn’t last long.

He throws me onto the bed and tugs off his shirt.

“Sleep,” he snaps.

Honestly, I think this nap is more for his benefit than mine, so I get under the covers and snuggle with him. His arm is thrown over my stomach as he cuddles me in close.

The heat from his arm seems to help my cramps, and I manage to drift off to the vibrations of his chest as he purrs for me.

He might be in a huff, and I’m not really sure where we go from here, but he’s instinctually reacting to my pain and soothing me the way he can.

It shows me I’m loved. That even if things are difficult between him and the rest of my mates… he’s slowly becoming more accepting of our bond.

And that is progress I can’t ignore.



When I wake up, I’m alone in Cevon’s bed, and his scent is stale. I’m not sure if he napped with me at all or if he just waited until I was asleep before going to stew elsewhere.

But I don’t bother sitting around and waiting for him to come and find me.

We’ve yet to have lunch, not that I’m hungry, which tends to make him more grouchy, but if we’re going to avoid Voss following through on his promise to come and steal me from Cevon, then we need to make a plan.

And soon.

I barge into his office, grateful he’s not on the phone, and without hesitating, I say, “I need to go home.”

Cevon closes his eyes, resting his head back on his chair as a deep sadness overtakes the room.

It’s more than that, though. It’s not just a sadness. It’s a bleakness that seems to just creep in ever so slowly, darkening every single thing, bringing in shadows to make it seem even more gloomy.

I know that’s not true, that it’s not even possible.

But that’s exactly how it feels, as if my mere mention of leaving him has sent him back to the dark place that he’s barely managed to hold off.

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