Page 170 of Survival is Hard

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It’s stupid, though.

Who is going to hurt me at the doctor’s office, for crying out loud?

But they check that it’s clear, and I quickly fill the pot before joining them outside.

“Nora Hart,” is called pretty quickly, and Orson and I follow the nurse through to our room. Once we’re inside, she steals my pot of wee and quickly takes my blood before letting us know the doctor will be in shortly.

“How do you feel?” Orson asks, and I shrug. He crouches in front of me, taking my hands in his. “Talk to me.”

“I’m just… what if she’s like the other doctor? Am I here creating issues for the sake of it? Maybe this is normal.”

“No,” he replies. “Your body hasn’t been working the way it should for the last six years, and now that you’re healthier, things are resuming. You need your health checked, and your doctor should reassure you. We weren’t a fit with the last doctor, but maybe Dr Likens will be better.”

I nod, but there’s a soft knock on the door before I can respond.

“Come in,” Orson calls, standing up properly, and she pushes it open.

“Hi. Nora, right?” she says, smiling at me. I nod, and her grin widens as she closes the door behind her. She’s younger than I expected, although about ten years older than me, and is quite slim, with long limbs. She’s a probably about 5’10” or 5’11”, and is wearing a pair of pale pink trousers and a white blouse. Her shoes are flats, and there’s a lanyard around her neck, showing she’s a member of staff here. Not that I doubted it, but Cevon’s paranoid behaviour is rubbing off on me. “I’m Katyana Likens, but, please, just call me Kat. Is this one of your mates?”

“Orson,” I say, nodding.

“Oh,” she says, shaking her head as realisation hits. She gives him an upside down smile. “I was your—”

“My sister’s doctor, yes,” Orson says, smiling. “You come well recommended amongst the pride.”

“I’m glad my reputation precedes me,” she says, sitting down. “So, what’s brought you in? I’ve spoke extensively with George Abbott before this appointment, but I’d prefer to hear from you what’s brought you in.”

Well, that’s an improvement from the last doctor, name unknown. Kat has actually spoken to George, which is a big reassurance.

“So, I feel like my heats are going to start up again, and I’m not sure about it,” I say, glancing to Orson nervously.

“Okay. You say start up again—have you had one before? You’re twenty-four, right?”

“Yes, but no, I’ve not had one yet,” I say. “Sorry. My wolf and I, um… I was…”

“Everything you say here is confidential.” She smiles when I nod. “You and your wolf have recently reconnected, right?” I nod again. “So, in situations similar to yours, we’ve had some different results depending on the woman and their state of mind. Your periods have returned quite quickly, and you’ve got… six mates?”


She nods, jotting that down. “I sense no bond between the two of you. Where do things stand with the others?”

“I’ve marked Fin, but none of the others,” I say. “None of them have returned it.”

“Okay. I’ve got a few questions about your overall health, if that’s okay?” I nod, and we run through the basics before going on to my period. She makes notes the entire time and helps prompt me when I don’t seem to know the answer.

“Okay. So, let’s get your OB’s done.” She quickly does my height, weight, blood pressure, and temperature.

“Perfect,” she says, smiling at me once we’re both sitting back down. “So, your weight is a little on the lower side, but, at this stage, I’m not concerned.”

“At what stage would you be concerned?” Orson asks.

“If your weight drops, that’s a concern, especially if there’s no cause,” she says, and we both nod. “But also if you were to get pregnant during your heat, then we’d need to monitor your weight a little more closely to make sure you’re healthy.”

“That’s possible?” I ask.

“That’s something I won’t know until you go into heat, I’m afraid. But, in the vast majority of cases, their fertility takes a few heat cycles to return,” she says, giving me a tense smile. “Your periods have returned, which is amazing. We’ve taken some blood, and we’ll see where you’re at with your hormone levels, but they’re an indication of this moment in time—not the future. What they will do is help us predict when your heat will start and will give us the chance to help you acclimate to that.”

“That’s good.”
